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Marine Nationale


  • Manual DB Question

    11. 06. 2010 20:56

Lately I started using my CV again and I found my bombs would move forward abit after
release. Its a tiny difference but this causes some of my bombs to overshoot the target
when hitting the target from the side.
I never noticed this before with other crews so could some one explain.



  • Re : Manual DB Question

    11. 07. 2010 12:32

obsessed dropping from the side is easier with manual then coming from the back/front
you just gotta hit the center.

  • Re : Manual DB Question

    11. 07. 2010 12:15

This all depends on when you release them. If you release them to late they go further, if
you insta-drop they don't go as far as the DB reticle.

  • Re : Manual DB Question

    11. 07. 2010 10:38

I'm manual DBing my targets.

  • Re : Manual DB Question

    11. 07. 2010 06:58

Now when you say you tried to DB a ship, was it auto or manual? right clicking or ";"? Its
a general rule to try not to db any target side ways, since there so many factors that can
affect how accurate your db's will drop. But if you must you need to make sure your db's
are as grouped together as possible and going as fast as they can. If not they will most
likely slow down and miss the target by the time they drop the bomb. Other than that, how
wide the target is or if the target is turning at all can affect the accuracy. Now if your
are truely manual dbing its normal if the db don't drop where they suppose to, you need to
calculate it when you manual db. Thats why manual dbing is the hardest skill a CV player
can learn.

  • Re : Manual DB Question

    11. 07. 2010 04:07

Never bomb from the side.... unless you have no other choice.