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  • is it possible? or bug?

    11. 17. 2010 12:21

Well I was in GB when I see an AA Emden
I throw myself to play it with AA and I was only 90, dp starting to recover now I shut
up like he did not drown me? AA?

I was H39!

  • Re : is it possible? or bug?

    11. 21. 2010 05:24

maybe he wants to know why was the emden's armor endured than his H39's armor should be..

  • Re : is it possible? or bug?

    11. 21. 2010 02:13

zomg planetary language O_O

  • Re : is it possible? or bug?

    11. 17. 2010 22:14

I think what he means was he was in H39, with 90 health left, and an AA Emden
crossed him while shooting AA, and killed him.

And yes, it is possible.

  • Re : is it possible? or bug?

    11. 17. 2010 18:38

can u go back and reword it so we can ALL understand what u r trying 2 say? :P

  • Re : is it possible? or bug?

    11. 17. 2010 17:04

hmm I do not understand or is not going to get even heed it: /
has many things on the nf that lets anyone confused:)

  • Re : is it possible? or bug?

    11. 17. 2010 14:58

i think he got nuked by friendly aa due to the sd

no its not a bug

its just really messed up

  • Re : is it possible? or bug?

    11. 17. 2010 14:52

Sry, but this content is incomprehensible for me.