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  • Kaiser

    11. 29. 2010 10:41

Why the speed of the Kaiser is only 37 knt? How fast is recommended for the Kaiser
to have a better chance against the other BBs?

  • Re : Kaiser

    11. 29. 2010 18:10

Unfortunately, I have been trying to become more phat by eating bunch of cheese and
butter. Result is still shocking to me.

  • Re : Kaiser

    11. 29. 2010 16:47

or just dont be canadian, that way youll be less phatter.

  • Re : Kaiser

    11. 29. 2010 15:02

Want to go faster?
I'll show you a not suggested way to do it.

Carry 2 binds per gun and get ready to trim your crew a lot.

  • Re : Kaiser

    11. 29. 2010 11:27

Yes, speedcap for kaiser is 37, maybe with a very light crew and low ammo 39 are possible.
Use what u learned in h44 (slingshot, etc.) and get used to 40degrees. You will notice
these 3 degrees diffrence.

Please dont AW it.

  • Re : Kaiser

    11. 29. 2010 11:01

I think that Kaiser relyes more on range rather than speed.

idk actually, i'm just assuming for what i've seen.

And i'm not sure if that's the Kaiser's cap speed, but well, someone who owns one may
explain better.