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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • Nagato set 1st and 2nd Type 3 and 90

    11. 30. 2010 21:48


About Type 90 (second set) which was said to be worse because of inferior damage. When
most people rush on the first set when they see about 1100>880.
My arse....

About the ability to cut through 12,2" deck QV when first set blows with about 8-9" deck.
UK L1, L2, KGV, probably Nelly with MARK III D, somehow my old armoured whore O1 or not
when I was still in noobskrieg.

One gunset is slightly lighter than the other one.

One gunset having uglier spread than another one.


Else, I hope this will stop the thing about 1st dealing much more damage than the second one.

  • Re : Nagato set 1st and 2nd Type 3 and 90

    01. 02. 2011 13:20

This Weekend I played both Type 3 and Type 90, with EBVE Level 85 and EBVE Level 108 Gunners.

The Type 3 needs to have a AP Locker for Lion2s.
The Type 90 Spread at Level 85 is Squirley, But does not need an AP Locker.
The Type 90 Spread at Level 108 is Fine, and the Hyuga becomes a 1 and 2-Shot Killing Machine.
So somewhere between 85 and 108 you should convert over to the Type 90.

Make sure you realize as a Hyuga you are now Lion2s and Montys first Target.

  • Re : Nagato set 1st and 2nd Type 3 and 90

    01. 02. 2011 01:24

Well, I've been playing Vanguard with the 15" a lot lately, so I am used to switching to
AP, so it's actually a nice change not to have to do it all the time. And the Damage of
those Type 90 is just excellent. I also find the spread to be quite OK, but then my
gunners have finally reached 120.

  • Re : Nagato set 1st and 2nd Type 3 and 90

    01. 01. 2011 03:39

While you do encounter AW ship often enough, I wouldnt choose a gun because it punch
through with HE. Especially since nagato, or hyuga for that matter, has no ammo issue that
makes carrying an AP bind bothersome (like the fuso for exemple)

That said I spent most of the last year and a half playing KM. I got used to having to
deliver AP salvos :P

  • Re : Nagato set 1st and 2nd Type 3 and 90

    12. 31. 2010 03:34

Tried both on my Hyuga and there's isn't really that much of a difference. The additional
damage and better reload of the Type 90 is countered by the slightly better range and
spread of the Type 3. I would use the Type 3 in a BB room. However, I twoshotted an AWed
QV with the Type 90 LHE, so in GB, I might prefer the Type 90.

  • Re : Nagato set 1st and 2nd Type 3 and 90

    12. 30. 2010 19:27

Type 3

  • Re : Nagato set 1st and 2nd Type 3 and 90

    12. 30. 2010 18:42

i dun care about dmg. which gun has a better range and better spread is all i care abt. so
which gun is better? type3 or type90?

  • Re : Nagato set 1st and 2nd Type 3 and 90

    12. 29. 2010 16:21

<3 yamato blockshot

  • Re : Nagato set 1st and 2nd Type 3 and 90

    12. 29. 2010 15:40

I get used to shotgun spread, so I don't mind.
Play H39 and Sodak with lvl 120, and spread is still not that good.

  • Re : Nagato set 1st and 2nd Type 3 and 90

    12. 29. 2010 15:34

What good is damage, when you cant hit anything? The chances of you going broadside
against your enemy is very small in realistic situations.

  • Re : Nagato set 1st and 2nd Type 3 and 90

    12. 29. 2010 14:20

Guess, I have prepared you guys for this.
Now which set will you use on the Hyuuga.
1 2 3