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  • Vanguard is better

    12. 03. 2010 02:57

I had BO in both lines... I wanted to say my opinion in this discussion...
The range is a very important matter and Vanguard has it...
At least according to my gameplay I perform better with Vanguard 15 guns..
Plus they hold more ammo and I fire as much as I wish.
Vanguard is the way to go over Lion I this is my opinion... Lion 1 is kind of boring

Edit : I also forgot to add... vanguard shoots 30 degree lasers... faster shell reach...
great adv

  • Re : Vanguard is better

    04. 08. 2011 03:07

yes sir ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

i know 16inche guns and they hit like a frekin sledg hammer the 15inche guns hit like
a germen gun

but thats it tho its a diffrent play style IMO great ship

  • Re : Vanguard is better

    04. 07. 2011 14:39

most ppl like myself prefer L1 because it has a much higher chance against bb5s. Vanny
takes like 3 full salvos to sink a bb5 while a bb5 can 2 salvo a vanny, not to mention all
the bb5s range vanny by a bit.

  • Re : Vanguard is better

    04. 07. 2011 13:09

you have a very good point i had a nelson and oh boy... it was good and all but it
was just a rushin ship you go in and do heavy damage IF you hit to have vanguard
its a very fun to use nice to see a change :)

  • Re : Vanguard is better

    04. 07. 2011 08:03

for me the problem with l-1 is that it s a very boring ship, I don't know why.. Maybe it's
because most people prefer L-1..

playing vanguard increases nf skills more because it is very fragile.. a guy said the right
word I don't remember who.. "you have less luxury to make mistake" so this trains you
a lot. that's the fun factor... L-1 is always the same gameplay... rush and retreat with
oh.. boring

  • Re : Vanguard is better

    04. 04. 2011 17:38

i just got my vanguard.......and WTF!!!! its amazing i had nelly i under stand you
dont do as much damage but you can fight from the line much better and trust me
on this on average you can own anything BB3 and down no problem everything up
you might need some help but on now i stay alive much longer and get a much
higher damage thing and the spread is very very good and with at least fireing while
keeping ship straight i get like 6 shells on maby less so i gusse a good spread can
make up for the 15inche guns amazing ship :) to me atleast

  • Re : Vanguard is better

    01. 02. 2011 19:41

I've had both for 2 years and all I can say is Vanguard is for those with skill, and Lion1
for those who don't.

  • Re : Vanguard is better

    01. 02. 2011 17:51

Both are as good as each other. I have a Bo in both line, my Vanny will always be
setup as a normal BB, as for me L1, like my pow it will be a armor 2 gun ship as the
L1 is a greater ship for rushing and pushing forwards.

End of the day like everything in life, the equipment is only as good as the person
using it

  • Re : Vanguard is better

    01. 01. 2011 08:42

*all so...your assumtion is wrong...Vanny is paper ship, only BB4 wich can match
Vanny's low durability is Yamato...

your argument that you took a L2 salvo and lived means nothing...
I took a full salvo from L2 on my Moltke and lived.... dmg isen't allways same...*

What assumption? that my Vanny can withstand more punishment than my H39? It isn't an
assumption, it is my experience with both ships. I have only been one shot once in my
Vanny compared to double figure number of times in my H39 and I have played both as much
as eachother and they have the same crew loadout.

I agree it is a papership (as I've already said) but from my experience with all but the
MN BB4 it isn't the worst off from what I've seen of it.

Ive seen DDs take full BB4 hits and survive, does that mean anything like in your
comparison? No.

*Vanny is playable but it's not so great as some of you say*

Playstyle dependant as I have said and as many other people have said. L1 allows you to
make mistakes, Vanny doesn't and therefore you have to be more aware of your surroundings
when playing the Vanny (since it is structurally weaker), which is one reason I enjoy
playing it.. Its a challenge!

  • Re : Vanguard is better

    12. 30. 2010 15:30

Megadone is right about Vanguard being a papership. I have yet to see a H39 being one
shotted by a Vanguard, but I have seen a Vanguard being one shotted by a H39 (all of
them 900 SD, and I did not see any crits). I'm not saying Vanguard is not unplayable,
but it is something to keep in mind when you're rushing with the Vanguard.

  • Re : Vanguard is better

    12. 30. 2010 04:25


I have both ships, but not sufficen't credits(I think, depends if L1 is AWed all ready
or not) for testing....on other hand my crew is all most all 120....I been lazy and 2 of
my engies are 119 for like.....ages now rofl.

eather way, if ya need help Richard, and my crew is sufficent, catch me online :)

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