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U.S Navy


  • manual fcs beginner's guide

    12. 04. 2010 10:26

learning to use manual fcs is hard and even harder to master but it will pay off. Auto is
very inaccurate and you will get no hit rate and get destroyed by ffs

  • first steps

    12. 04. 2010 10:41

NOTE: this is only for U.S ships (not including subs)
once you get to brooklyn you should get the manual fcs or at the latest get it at
cleveland or baltimore. At those ships you start to get to use very powerful guns to
crush smaller ships and challenge even battleships. but if you cant hit them you will
get sunk and destroyed by little ffs at low health. personally I got it at cleveland
since with brooklyn i just wanted to chase after dds and shred them. Though i
always got sunk by m projects or mogamis because only a couple of my shells would
hit. so at cleveland i decided i wanted to challenge CAs so I got the aiming (manual)
fcs. At first I was barely good only landing a few shots. but now im quite expierenced
and I can get my hit rate to the 40%. the trick is at short range use tda and long
range dont use so u aim accurate. then to get it accurate more is to look as those
dots on ur aiming lines. the bigger ones usually signify every 5 on the manual fcs. so
for beginners count the dots. im at my battleship Alaska and i pwn almost everything
in blitzkreaig. I dont really need to count the big dots anymore cause most of my
estimates for aiming hit. i will post more guidelines l8er.
NOTE: I put some personal expierence here so you can get to know how to look at
your first steps at manual fcs.