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  • Which is more fun - Pensa or Seva?

    12. 09. 2010 13:55

I dont have the time to collect 28 coins, so I'm deciding between getting a Seva or Pensa from the
coin event.
I have a bb4 crew:
2x lvl 98 acc gunners
2x lvl 89 rld gunners
a mixture of lvl 89-92 supports
1x lvl 70 engie

would Pensa or Seva be more fun for me?

  • Re : Which is more fun - Pensa or Seva?

    12. 12. 2010 08:05

Alaska and Guam can take out bb45's in farm mode.

  • Re : Which is more fun - Pensa or Seva?

    12. 10. 2010 07:28

I use both. When I get tired of one, I switch to the other. But, I am grinding past a
AK/Guam...which sucks ass.

The reality is that the AK/Guam shouldn't be classed as a BB at all. It's not a BC
and it shows. It's a "large cruiser" and it's armouring supports this. If it's properly
armed and armoured, it owns CA's (which is what is was designed to do) but in GB,
against real BB's it just plain sucks.

So I spent money on both the P'cola and the Sevasti...and I'll use them to grind
past, 1st the AK/Guam on one tree and the Portland/NO/Nevada on the other.

  • Re : Which is more fun - Pensa or Seva?

    12. 10. 2010 05:19

I run both. If I had your gunners I would go sevatopol everytime. Pensacola is fun

  • Re : Which is more fun - Pensa or Seva?

    12. 10. 2010 04:34

Pensa all day erry day.

With good crew you can soak up some damage, you should be able to dodge quit a bit aswell,
the D's do awesome damage.

However if you want the more practical ship then you would probably want the Seva. Its a
good PBB to level crew on because of the extra support slot compared to other US BB2-3's.

  • Re : Which is more fun - Pensa or Seva?

    12. 09. 2010 22:06

Based on my play patterns....

When I am bored of BB (yes Iowa is my usual iron as my supports suck at < L100) I
jump on the Pensa, it holds a heavy crew, do some AA work (I suck), clean up littl'uns
that rush and try to snag a careless BB with the 12" duals.

Fun but not much experience.

When I need to level my noobish crew I will haul out the Sevastopol. It is also very
good at honing up the dodging tactics, the lack of range is a good remind to wiggle
wiggle wiggle.

Not soo much fun, just like driving another BB with less range but better exp for
lower level crew.

So make up your own mind.

  • Re : Which is more fun - Pensa or Seva?

    12. 09. 2010 18:52

Iowa would be more fun...