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Royal Navy


  • Promoting Special Forces

    12. 10. 2010 01:30

I want to have a CV crew... Now My special forces are ready to be promoted to
Rookie Pilots... But when this is done... They will gain only Aircraft bonus but they
are going to lose repair and restore stats... Should I wait until they can be promoted
to Fighters or Bombers ? Or is aircraft skill useful and I should promote them into
rookie pilots ASAP ?

  • Re : Promoting Special Forces

    12. 11. 2010 03:19

I made a post some time ago on the USN forums regarding classing special forces straight
to fighter/bomber. I am not sure if there are big differences between RN and USN pilots,
but you can read the replies there.

If ever you're worried about the repair and restore stats, UK pilots get +2 on each, so
getting sailors with at least +8 on those will ensure u have some stats on them.

  • Re : Promoting Special Forces

    12. 10. 2010 09:45

"aircraft and fighter ability is what mather to make fighters.
Aircraft and bomber ability is for DBombers or TBombers. "

This explains why there are still countless numbers of fighters
and bombers being sold with aircraft ability shown. It never
mattered before and it doesn't matter now.

"hint: classing not only changes the growth of ability but also
the growth of recruits. "
~ this is true but in the case of special forces/rookie pilot, I
think the crew growth is the same so a few levels for a bit
extra rep/res might not be so bad.

  • Re : Promoting Special Forces

    12. 10. 2010 09:18

if you want a cv and you have the proper stats for the Fighters.. you have to
promote exactly when you can so you dont lose the bonus when you lvl up.
So upgrade them to rookie pilot inmediately it let you to do.
aircraft and fighter ability is what mather to make fighters.

Aircraft and bomber ability is for DBombers or TBombers.

  • Re : Promoting Special Forces

    12. 10. 2010 02:42

i dont know where you guys all get your false informations ... when you are in a cv and
you need to rely on repair and restore values, then you have done something horribly
wrong. Class to rookie on time, and also the next promotion (fighter/bombers) in time. all
following promotions are debatable useful or not, that depends on the nation.

hint: classing not only changes the growth of ability but also the growth of recruits.