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  • UK Carrier Costs

    12. 12. 2010 10:59

It has been awhile since I posted here but I have been wondering how hard is it to earn up
all that money for the UK CV line. Say you have a friend that gives you some financial
support to help you start the UK CV line. Once you got your first CV how hard is it to
earn up all that money for your next and your next one etc.?

  • Re : UK Carrier Costs

    12. 13. 2010 14:23

If you were going to get financial support from someone how much credits do you think you
will need to start your CV line and get the AA ship as Ricky suggested.

  • Re : UK Carrier Costs

    12. 13. 2010 05:28

for those who cant afford prem stuff

just sit your pilots on an emerald and AA in GB2s, youll make money and lvl up your
pilots at the same time.

yes your BO will be a higher level than your pilots which is why i only change CV
when my pilots are at that CVs level not my BO.

  • Re : UK Carrier Costs

    12. 13. 2010 00:24

In the event that BO's level faster than intended, I have two solutions that I recommend
for you.

The first easiest, is get a prem ship. They will not require BOs but need a sailor with
enough level to operate them. I'd avoid the Furious though and stick with the Tiger.

The second is to get an AA ship with a separate BO. Better if the BO/AA ship is of a
different nation (KM comes to mind) as AA itself has a very important role to your
pilots--they feed them experts so your fighters aren't going to become fast food for
bigger CVs even if say you use T1 fighters. In addition, being AA can be roughly a
lucrative deal. For this, level AA gunners instead in blitz using regular gunners (or
using themselves as with the case of UK and US REL gunners, expect your spread will suck
though). Let your pilots sit back and enjoy GBs but you might want to bring a medic along
for the experts.

Sometimes I even killed locals by making them run out of gas in a circle dogfight which is
pretty hilarious.

Interesting note: Auto FCS somewhat helps because it penalizes exp gain. Don't ever apply
this to AA of course.

  • Re : UK Carrier Costs

    12. 12. 2010 19:24

The problem I find mostly is that the BO lvl's much faster than the pilots. I've gone
through 3 BO's already and my pilots are only lvl 58-59 at present...

My recommendation is to train up a plain UK sailor (unclassed) and wait until lvl 50
for CV BO (sight range isn't as important). Avg blitz 40-60k if you are Prem and get
to the 5min mark.

30k isn't hard to get after sinking a few CAs; 5-6 CLs can get you 50+ if you win a
match. Even if you lose, minimum 10k if you sunk early in the match - just wait a
while before exiting - I suspect CV credits are related to Team Attack.

Hope this helps

  • Re : UK Carrier Costs

    12. 12. 2010 19:09

well i was in my ryujo at the time with 3 TBs, idk how much attack exactly cos my cv got
kicked out of blitz at lvl 61 years ago D: D: D: :'(
but anyway, i dont think you need to do much, just sink at least 4 bigish ships but CVs
own blitz with tb/dbs in any case so you should not have too much of a problem

  • Re : UK Carrier Costs

    12. 12. 2010 18:10

Really? 30-50k? How much work or damage do you have to do for the all that :P

  • Re : UK Carrier Costs

    12. 12. 2010 15:17

well if you use your cv in blitz you can get 30-50k credits every battle which makes it
easier to get the 1.1 mill needed for the next cv (assuming your going to sell your cv1).

when you get to lvl 61 however you get kicked into GB2 where you get hardly any
credits and probably will have all your planes shot down, so try to stay in blitz as long
as possible to get maximum credits. (maybe TK ppl by 'accident' to keep your xp down