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  • Tips on gettings Vets?

    12. 28. 2010 02:07

Is there an extensively detailed guide on everything about Veterans? cus ive been
looking and i havent found one.

I'm going to buy some Vet+ packs or some Expert+ packs and i need to know which i
should get and how many ill need. Im also getting a premium too.

So im thinking Experts would be the way to go because i can convert them over the
weekend with +100% rate from the event and +50% rate from the premium and itl
work out better than just straight vetting them. But i wanna know exactly what to
expect, because like what are the chances 10 experts converts into 10 vets and
does it change depending on how many vets you already have? And i think i heard
theres 40% of your crew is the max for vets.

Or if anyone can well explain everything i need to know about converting vets. Much

  • Re : Tips on gettings Vets?

    01. 01. 2011 09:26

Ima just throw out a random idea, but maybe you were hit and the SAME TIME you
shot another ship and the message popped up saying you LOST a vet, but was
misinterperted as GAINING a vet.

  • Re : Tips on gettings Vets?

    01. 01. 2011 08:35

"I have gained like 1 vet off my BB, and that was it, and it is EXCEEDINGLY RARE"

So was it "like" 1 vet or was it something else...
Either you don't know what you're talking about/saw the wrong thing, or everyone can now
legitimately call you a liar.

  • Re : Tips on gettings Vets?

    12. 31. 2010 21:46

so the +10's worked :) glad i could help a little bit :D
and i thank you for not like freaking out at the way i worded my post :D

  • Re : Tips on gettings Vets?

    12. 31. 2010 18:53

@AndrusN and Scmoo472
unless you can back it up with screenshots or any other proves, i don't think you can
convince most people to believe what you say.

Coming here with no proves and calling other people stupid shows you are the
immature and stupid one. It makes your argument sound even more unconvincing. And
if you think you can beat me or challen76 then be my guest and come to bismarck and
let s dance.

  • Re : Tips on gettings Vets?

    12. 31. 2010 18:43

it wasnt directed at you but rather the annoying poster who is calling us noob for
thinking you cant get vets in battle.
MAAAAYBE it was an event that let you get that vet, but until i hear it from a reliabl
source that knows the game coding or i see a screenshot, you cant get experts in

As for your method, i'd have to disagree. 5 +10(2) vet packs for 1 sailor is $10!!
Using the event and premium, i was able to spend $8 on 4 +10(20) expert packs
and convert both my gunners to 90 vets, 12 other sailors to an average of 55 vets,
and my AA gunners to 70 vets. thats a whole lotta bang for just $8 compared to $10
for 1 100vet. Not to mention, with the event and prem, it took 6-7 conversions to
get each and every one of my sailors to 50 vets EVERY time. thats just $2 to get 3
sailors to 50 vets. not to mention with +vet packs you still need 10 experts also for
every 10 vets youre gunna convert

But i thank you for the respect in which you replied

  • Re : Tips on gettings Vets?

    12. 31. 2010 17:58

"Scmoo472 why do you say especially +10 expert packs? Would the +100 packs not be better
and just do 10 at a time then replace the experts with another +100?"

Explanation: I say +10's because if you get a vet conversion with like 385 rookies left, u
will have 85 rookies still not classed to experts, but with +10's you will get to within
5, and if you get +10's and get very lucky and get your first conversion to vets, you may
not want to burn 90 more and add that 1 100, you can just add that 1 +10 and wait for
another good game/level up...

Example: You have 2 gunners, lvl 103, you were a nub all through your 119 levels of
grinding, and one gunner had 100 rookies, 50 vets, full experts, the other gunner had
99rookies, 50 vets, full experts, you roll for vets the EXACT same amount on both gunner
and get lucky and get the same amount of conversions, being 10 so you have exactly 120
vets on both gunners, say you rolled 40 times on each gunner. so now you have 500 rookies,
and 499rookies, by adding all your expert packs (+100) you will end up with 0 and 99, so
your gunners would be quite far off, making there spread worse than what they would
together if it was 0 and 9, which you could achieve with +10's.

"Schmoo - I'm just saying don't spread lies. You can *NEVER* get more vets on your sailors
while you're in battle, whether it is AA or against another ship."

Answer: seriously, u spell my name wrong >.>. You CAN get vets by shooting ships
(extremely, extremely, extremely unlikely in a small ship). You CAN'T get vets by AAing.
You only get experts. I'm not spreading lies. I have gained like 1 vet off my BB, and that
was it, and it is EXCEEDINGLY RARE. I'm not saying to go try it, i'm saying that it can
happen, but whatever it doesn't matter, that's not what this thread is for...

"can a mod or something come in here and tell this guy off"
Answer: disrespectful in your own thread, i answered your question and you give this as an
answer,I am being completely honest, from personal experience in the game, and from
hearing from others.

Answer: to continue my answer for this post... (i might not add much more due to the
respectivity level here) you need to know that you will be able to use vet packs until 100
(vet item says that)you will need your sailors to have at least 250 sailors on each of
them (rookies/vets/experts combined), to have 100 vets. people have their own theory about
the rate of which conversions happen. premium and event as you posted increase it a lot.
You should buy 5 vet packs per 1 sailor, and after that you get 100 vets that is when you
start using your expert packs to convert, (put 100 experts on your sailors first(unless
they already have it) so you can put on the 100 vets). thats just about all the advice i
can give you.

  • Re : Tips on gettings Vets?

    12. 31. 2010 16:59

you get EXPERTS in battle, NOT VETS. can a mod or something come in here and tell
this guy off

  • Re : Tips on gettings Vets?

    12. 31. 2010 15:09

YES YOU CAN!!!!!!!!! you nub cake.

  • Re : Tips on gettings Vets?

    12. 31. 2010 12:13

Schmoo - I'm just saying don't spread lies. You can *NEVER* get more vets on your sailors
while you're in battle, whether it is AA or against another ship.

  • Re : Tips on gettings Vets?

    12. 30. 2010 21:26

Scmoo472 why do you say especially +10 expert packs? Would the +100 packs not be better
and just do 10 at a time then replace the experts with another +100?
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