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  • Funny Moltke Setup

    12. 29. 2010 21:46

Maybe you already know about it.
The Moltke is a great PCA 4x2 turrets 11" great fire power but i loved to use what i
called the funny moltke setup, 4x3 turrets 5.9" with elite reload gunners boosted full
experts and 100 vets around lvl 55, this gunners would give you a very funny blockshot and
an amazing reload time(very short reload time).
Like i said before maybe you already know about this but i wanted to share it with you.

  • Re : Funny Moltke Setup

    01. 01. 2011 03:31

with BVE gunners, moltke acheive that result in blitz.

and if you get nuked by DB with a 60 knot speed you are crap indeed at dodging them.

note that this setup only works because of the level of stupidity you see in blitz capital
ships. They look at the ship sprouting blocks and try to go close range on it.

gratz champ.

ow and btw.

this topic is kinda pointless.

  • Re : Funny Moltke Setup

    12. 31. 2010 08:08

It's a pretty fun setup if you can survive long enough to use it. Best bet is to go for a
BB that's already busy with a BB5 or something, and just close into ~10 degree range and
just lay into them.

  • Re : Funny Moltke Setup

    12. 29. 2010 22:00

Fictory TW Moltke FTW
10 5x torp launcher going 64 OH for the whole map using 4 +12 engies =D

But yes, if ur AA-ing, your can use the trips for defense. It's pretty awesome.

  • Re : Funny Moltke Setup

    12. 29. 2010 21:47

this setup=Kingofblitz except if ur AA sucks and got oneshotted by MN DB's