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  • New ship armouring (simple update)

    01. 02. 2011 03:51

I have a simple thing for SDE to change.... it's not absolutly nessisary, and not much
of a pain to deal with, but it would be nice to see changed.

So we all know, when we buy a new ship, and go to armour it, we have to doubble
click the type of armour we want on, (normally set as "None") and choose the type
of armour that nation has. (EX: neutral is: "standard", KM is: "WH (KM Armour)", UK
is: "KNC (UK Armour)", and so on)

Now this isn't a pain to deal with like i said above.. but it is atleast a mild

So my suggestion is instead of having "None" as the default armour option, make
the specified nation's type of armour be the default armour (like the examples given
above). That way, that mild inconvenience goes away, and you can just use your
mouse and scroll away, adding or removing how much armour you want.

As for the Remove option, still keep that... (Because i know it's a mild pain removing
say... 200+ bulge armour using the mouse wheel to scroll through.) Just make it so
the remove option removes all the armour, and sets it back to 0.0 or 0 (depends on
the category of armour) of that nation's default armour.

Also for the information on the armour when you go to choose it, like the
defense, cost, weight, and *sticks, just work that in under the armour option box
(bulge might have to be crunched or made into like 2 lines.)

* I don't know if i'm reading that right on the in-game page.. its hard to see... looks
like sticks.

This is just a simple thing SDE can do, for convenience concernes. Again, it's not
totally nessisary, and isn't much of an issue, or pain... but it would be nice to see
this done.

If you agree with me, support it. If you don't, give your reasonings.

*Idea given by weylin that goes with (but still seperate) this topic (re-worded to
get the basic idea.):

Have the option to shift click to add pre-determined ammounts of armour to specific
armour categories. Like shift click adds .5 to deck and belt, and adds 5-10 bulge and
bulk head per click.*** (I still say the scroll works fine, but this is always an option)

*Idea given by Delta62 (again, I simplify to get the justs of it.): Possibly try to work
in a calculator option to type in the ammount of armour you want.
(like typing in the ammount of credits to trade or cost for an item/sailor.) If i missed a
key point delta, let me know....***

  • Re : New ship armouring (simple update)

    04. 24. 2011 07:38

I like you idea it is in the way most of the time

  • Re : New ship armouring (simple update)

    04. 06. 2011 11:02

nice post,i agreed with that.

  • Re : New ship armouring (simple update)

    03. 30. 2011 20:29

I support this.. It is indeed a mild inconvienience.

  • Re : New ship armouring (simple update)

    03. 25. 2011 18:01

Delta, I believe the arrow keys DO work for adding armour. Try hovering over the up
arrow on the armour, or hover over the actual window where it shows you how
much armour is on your ship at that time.
(This works with adding ammo, so i would assume it works with armour, but i have
NOT tried using the arrow keys for adding armour, only ammo.)

UUolf, the scroll thing on the track pad doesn't work with navyfield. I know this
because i have a laptop, and it doesnt work with NF.

But Delta, I added your idea to the main post.

  • Re : New ship armouring (simple update)

    03. 25. 2011 02:19

*Bump* *crash* oh and, bud, Most lab tops have a part to *scroll* up with

  • Re : New ship armouring (simple update)

    03. 25. 2011 02:13

It would also be nice (for us laptop users who don't have a mouse) to have some new method
of adding armor instead of clicking that up button 200 times to add our armor. It would be
nice if we could use that calculator that's available during a trade and punch in the
amount of armor we want, or even simply use the arrow up/down keys to add/remove armor
(after all, we can use the arrows for loading shells/planes why not use the keys for
armor?) But yes, being a mouse-less laptop player really sucks when it comes to getting
new ships and putting bulge on them...

I don't know if someone prior to me posted this idea, I didn't read through them and I'm
sorry if I 'stole' your idea.

In response to the post below me, if you are referring to the page up/down then that just
moves you from one ship to the next in your harbor. As for my laptop, nothing there to use
to scroll like one can with a mouse wheel. On web pages, I click the background and then
use the arrow keys to move around the page.

  • Re : New ship armouring (simple update)

    03. 18. 2011 20:27

It would be nice if an SDE member/ game programer could verify if this is even
possible to change.

  • Re : New ship armouring (simple update)

    02. 27. 2011 07:24

exellent idea,that way i will put armor on with much little dificulty
btw,i can only recc one thread per day,and i already used it up,so ill do it next time

  • Re : New ship armouring (simple update)

    02. 27. 2011 01:39

Good Idea

  • Re : New ship armouring (simple update)

    02. 26. 2011 07:39


Lets hope it is something they can change easily... Didnt think about the
programming being an issue though 0.0
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