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  • Submarine Deck Guns

    01. 04. 2011 04:32

I don't know what there is to be said here, what are they intended for? Medium range,
45deg angle, low rate of fire, 400 some damage? What's the point?

I've found only two real uses -
Destroying a particularly hazardous/obstructive mine before diving.
Finishing off an enemy with 50 health left.
'Spitting' on a battleship before they fire the killing blow. (Hah! Take that, fiend!)

How often do you even see mines? When are they actually a deadly dangerous threat?
How often is a ship so close to death that a deck gun even makes a difference?

(20mm flak are a different matter entirely, those suckers have chewed me to pieces
when I was in an unarmored light ship)

  • Re : Submarine Deck Guns

    01. 04. 2011 20:17

I use them on my ss1 to get more than 0 attack so i actually get more than 1k exp per game.

They have incredible range, for a L25 gun (or whatever level they are).

  • Re : Submarine Deck Guns

    01. 04. 2011 08:38

Find ways to use your guns. I use them every battle. I have sunk every ship in the
game with my deck guns. The one shot gun on the SS3 does 400-600 damage.
That is major damage against a CL and below.

  • Re : Submarine Deck Guns

    01. 04. 2011 08:30

U-Flak, they only possible uses for that slot would:

A. Support Sailor such as Repairer or Restorer to raise Soft Defense and help
fix damage.
B. Empty, to lighten the load on your SS
C. Gunner, for those moments that you make to the back lines of the enemy
force and find a CV that is ungaurded and unarmed when you are out of
torpedoes, so you could surface and spit on the side of their ship...

Which two do you think are choosen the most? I wouldn't say a gunner is
completely useless, as I have reached those back lines on occasion and found
that CV with no weapons or escorts, but it is the least likely choice...

  • Re : Submarine Deck Guns

    01. 04. 2011 04:59

So put a repairer in that slot....