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  • Mixing different AA guns for more effectiveness?

    01. 05. 2011 08:02

I'm running USN and im thinking of mixing my AA battery between the 5"/38's and
the 3"/70's instead of just one or the either.

Pros: -when i run them at the same angle like normally they cover a wider set of
plane heights

-alternating reloads gives double the salvos to hit planes

Cons: -loses tight spread of the salvo
-could be too weird too aim when aiming at planes

What do you guys think of mixing AA? Is it worth it?

  • Re : Mixing different AA guns for more effectiveness?

    01. 05. 2011 20:19

@sheimer thats a good idea

  • Re : Mixing different AA guns for more effectiveness?

    01. 05. 2011 14:18

Even with relatively high damage guns, you typically need several shells to kill an enemy
aircraft. This isn't as much of an issue when you have tight spread (1 salvo will do it),
but if your shots are spread out over a larger area...

  • Re : Mixing different AA guns for more effectiveness?

    01. 05. 2011 09:10

dont mix aa guns instead missmatch ur aa gunners and the way ur running ur aa
guns at the same angle is wrong for how you should do it.

i have my h44 aa gunners at 111 and 104 which splits up the rld times enought that
it looks like im in grad just with a bunch of shells instead of 1 gun and if ur gonna
use 2 different types of aa guns figure out each guns golden angle and put one type
on the front t slots and the other one on the back set and when in battle set the
guns to their golden angle and they will naturally be at different angles due to
different ranges