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  • Do I really need 12/11 fighters...

    01. 07. 2011 15:43

Why can't I just settle with 11/10? Or 11/11?

I've only twice ever rolled a 12, and it was on some other stat.

I've burned through tens of thousands of points, I'm past giving a %$&* and just want
to level some pilots and be done with it.

Also SDE obviously wants me to suffer from carpal tunnel in that they ban the use of
rolling macros. (And haven't just put in their own auto-rolling...)

  • Re : Do I really need 12/11 fighters...

    01. 08. 2011 04:49

Here's a good tip in business - if you can't get what you want, get something that someone
else wants.

Maybe a +12 Restorer or Repairer? How about +12 Torpedo? Gunners? How about a 10/10/12
Engy? Boosted? Oh I'd definitely want those.

Sell those sailors then buy what you're look for, that way, all those points were not
meant for nothing and you got something worthwhile. I followed that bit of advice and not
only did I get a sizable 4 fighter pilots with +12 or 11/11, I also got:

3 +12 Engys
2 +15 Potentials
2 +12 Reload gunners
1 12/11 Super gunner (very rare)
A load of 11/11 Repairer/Restorers (some I save up for friends or donate them to newbies)

Along with bombers but I'm still looking for more.

  • Re : Do I really need 12/11 fighters...

    01. 07. 2011 20:43

bomber stat no longer applys to fighters...thay pached it :/

  • Re : Do I really need 12/11 fighters...

    01. 07. 2011 19:22

Should I class them as soon as it's available? I have 4 11/10 fighters, and a 9/12

Or should I wait a while for them to get more bomber stat?

  • Re : Do I really need 12/11 fighters...

    01. 07. 2011 18:08

Elites also work...

But +11s also will do, it's all about how you class them.

  • Re : Do I really need 12/11 fighters...

    01. 07. 2011 17:32

aircraft stats doesnt affect anything now, so u can to get just a +12 fighter stats? i
would settle for 11/11 first and buy 12/11 if i have the cash... its up to ur preference. :)