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  • fighter pilot level vs. plane

    01. 09. 2011 20:50

have been an off and on again player for years and years now and I know things are
always changing.

so.. is it still better to use T2 planes for km fighters than t3? I remember there was a
bunch of talk about how they would actually be better in t2 because of the higher
level in the plane..

but then I seem to recall a rule once about you could only go only to a certain level of
plane vs the pilot level (i.e. couldnt be level 120 in a t1 plane--or some junk like that)

as the rules didn't apply to me much back then, I didn't pay that much attention to
it... so here I am looking for updated info for a noob like me ;D

thanks in advance.

  • Re : fighter pilot level vs. plane

    01. 11. 2011 20:40

Er that was "Fixed". Lower tiered are better depending on your play style and T4s are garbage.

  • Re : fighter pilot level vs. plane

    01. 11. 2011 11:01

I believe the lower teired would win.. that is why, at one point, they had a rule that x
level pilots could only use x tiered planes.. I dont remember exact rules though cause it
iddnt apply to me at the time.

  • Re : fighter pilot level vs. plane

    01. 10. 2011 19:42

So, does this mean in theory that level 120 pilots in T1 fighters up against T4 fighters
with lesser level pilots(but not so much low level as half, more like 3/4 difference),
assuming both will face head on collision before going into a CoD trap, the T1's will
mostly come on top? Or is it more during the CoD situation where it becomes a game of
outlasting the other guy instead?

Both of these pilots have +12 fighter growth and are both KM.

  • Re : fighter pilot level vs. plane

    01. 10. 2011 14:17

Something you need to understand is that level is meaningless for sailors performance.

"so.. is it still better to use T2 planes for km fighters than t3? I remember there was a
bunch of talk about how they would actually be better in t2 because of the higher
level in the plane.. "

What matters for this is the true ability of the pilot. If you have enough fighter ability
you can take advantage of the extra durability of lower tiered planes without giving up
much in terms of offensive power. The added durability that comes with high fighter skill
also helps with lower tiered planes.

  • Re : fighter pilot level vs. plane

    01. 10. 2011 13:19

Also recently T5 Fighters

  • Re : fighter pilot level vs. plane

    01. 10. 2011 11:41

ahh good to know good to know. Thanks for the info. Guess I'll just hang out in my t3
then :D

  • Re : fighter pilot level vs. plane

    01. 10. 2011 09:50

also goes faster than T4 fighter.

  • Re : fighter pilot level vs. plane

    01. 09. 2011 22:27

Well, T4s came out. Its at lvl 100. They changed the rules of locals, its for lvl 75 pilots
and lower. T3s are better than T2s. But ppl argue that T3s are better than T4s. I for
one perfer T3 KM FTs than the T4. Theres also a lvl 120 scout now, it has the same
stats as a T1 fighter.