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U.S Navy


  • Classing Problem!

    01. 13. 2011 11:37

1) I was wondering can BO be train till lvl 24 and class nation and BO? Will there be any
disadvantage doing that?

2) Should Fighter & Bomber pilot be class to Ace & SQL?

All comments is appreciated!



  • Re : Classing Problem!

    01. 13. 2011 19:56

^also km if you want to use the 11" singles on the europa.

what you mention is often called power leveling. The only thing you lose out on is you
BO's sight range, which is not as important on a cv or ss (sight is based on sonarman).

  • Re : Classing Problem!

    01. 13. 2011 14:22

For a CV BO? Sure. The only CV BO that needs good shell spotting skill is IJN. A US BO
is never going to have to spot for anything bigger than 8" duals.

  • Re : Classing Problem!

    01. 13. 2011 13:39

if the bo is going to cv lines its ok to level it as unclass nationalized sailor also in
sub :D

  • Re : Classing Problem!

    01. 13. 2011 12:55

the classing of bo gives u a +2 in potential right? classing at 120 means u lose 224
potential compared to those who are classed on time?

  • Re : Classing Problem!

    01. 13. 2011 12:38

Unclassed nationalized sailors and neuts both get the +40% in exp and can both go on any
nations ship... no real reason not to class him as a nation or not. Atleast not until lvl
24 where you lose the ability to class him at 25

  • Re : Classing Problem!

    01. 13. 2011 12:24

with BO's.. you COULD lvl him up to 120 as just a national sailor and then class him
there, but i dont know why you would do that

however, you MUST class a sailor as a national sailor at 25 or he will be useless to
you after that

and with fighters, that is the greatest debate in NF going on right now, no one

bombers, class them on time