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  • SN CVs - The boats themselves

    02. 16. 2011 15:44

What are the plans for the CV stats mailman? Turning force is stupidly high considering
every one of the old nation's CVs got hit with the nerf stick in the original ONF patch.
This is also the case for MN. Is there any plans on fixing this oversight for MN?

The CV4, PCV, and CV6 all have low Planespace for their tier.

Now, is the Komsomolets supposed to be a CV1 or 2? Angus has it listed as a CV1 on his
bigass chart but it clearly has CV2 stats. What is it intended to be? Should I just assume
Angus made a typo?

The DPs all look pretty high for their respective tiers. Is this intended or something
that will be addressed. Even if this is intended for CV2-PCV CV6s should all have
relatively the same stats like the original nations.

Have the submergence values been tested for the CVs yet?

  • Re : SN CVs - The boats themselves

    02. 16. 2011 19:14

Trainworld was never updated when it was bumped 1/2 tier to full cv2 in the onf patch. As
a CV2 the planespace and all that is correct.

What about the planespace issues?

  • Re : SN CVs - The boats themselves

    02. 16. 2011 18:22

I'm not sure if it's a CV1 or CV2, so I listed it similar to how trainworld's listing is;
sydiltz is a CV1.

These are the to-be patch notes for CVs are fast as I know.

CV Project 71: R slot A: 40 -> 73
CV Project 71: R slot B: 59 -> 84
CV Project 72: R slot A: 59 -> 73
CV Project 72: R slot B: 73 -> 84
CV Kostromitinova: R slot: 74 -> 84
CV Tsar: R-slot: 104 -> 112
CV Project69AV: R slot: 74 -> 84

CV Komsomolets: Durability: 14100 -> 12900
CV Project 71: Durability: 17900 -> 16900
CV Project 72: Durability: 22130 -> 21130
CV Kostromitinova: Durability: 25300 -> 24100
CV Project 72: Turning Force: 31 -> 28
CV Kostromitinova: Turning Force: 33 -> 25

  • Re : SN CVs - The boats themselves

    02. 16. 2011 17:59

Nothing has been tested on CV regarding submergence. We're still trying to have the devs
fix some of the broken BB.

CV submergence will be tested after main patch through the server. Suggestion will be
forwarded after the main patch.

I am saying this, mainly, I barely have time testing now. If you see me posting, that
means I am procrastinating for few minutes.