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  • BB5 damage testing

    02. 19. 2011 19:51

Lets see what the damage nerf did.

Quad guns:

First shot, bad shot, 2 missed, 1 crit.

Second shot, perfect salvo, no crits, all deck as far as I can tell. 66.6k damage.

Edit1: second test.

Quad guns, first shot. Bad hit, mostly belt.

2nd shot, good hit, 11/12 shells hit, giving a 61163 damage, if all shells hit, it would have done 66.7k.

3rd shot, good hit, 11/12 shells hit, giving a 57907 damage. damage if entire salvo landed would be 63.7k

Edit 2: third test. Decided to switch to Amagi so I gets less oneshots.

Quad guns, first shot, 11/12 shells landed (calculated with hit %, I fired 2 shots to test range), 59k damage, probably some belt hits
from the location shells, it would have done 64k if all shells hit.

2nd shot, belt hits.

3rd shot, 10/12 shells landed, if all shells hit, it would have done 67k.

4th shot, 11/12 shells hit, if all shells hit, it would have done 57k damage.

Summary: damage nerf had minimal effect. Damage and spread is also inconsistent, leading to these problems. I suggest another damage nerf.

  • Re : BB5 damage testing

    02. 25. 2011 23:58

I just realised who Shamo is. If you want to troll, go elsewhere. Keep this section serious

  • Re : BB5 damage testing

    02. 25. 2011 16:03


Worse AA? You got to be kidding me. It is in the top long range aa, with
superb damage and decent reload. Adding to that, you use main gunners who
provides great accuracy,

Longest hangtime and your point?
The current Super Yamato has a hangtime of about 5,28 seconds while the SN
quad gun do have about 5,29 seconds.
Sure it has the longest bb5 hangtime, but you are making as if that 0,01
seconds is the end of the world.

Yet, human reaction isn't that fast enough to react with that difference. Take
an electronic stopwatch. Start and end the timer, see what is the fastest you
can get.

Go try yourself.
In order to match the extras hangtime of 0,01 seconds or 10 milliseconds, you
will need to multiply 7 times at least.

You won't even have the time to react with that 0,01 seconds of difference.

The value I give you were no guess. We have been using third party software
to extract and compile the value.
I.E. software such as fraps, audacity,camtasia, etc, were used.

3) How come you don't find it wrong that long range, hitting hard, no armour
penetration issue, long range aa and able to take hits is a wrong combo.

By the time you get in range, SY, Alsace,montana will have great chance to get

  • Re : BB5 damage testing

    02. 25. 2011 14:10

ok, i am serious now, no fooling around:

45k damage for 12 shells means:

3750 per shell which puts it right in between richielieu (3940) and strasburg
with a 45 angle -> longest bb5 hangtime

in a ship that goes 37, doesnt turn, has a big hitbox & very poor aa


>>> You forget to mention that it has H44 range, and IIRC has great

Complaining about hangtime and 45 degree angles? Are you kidding? Read my
previous post. Obviously, you don't know about the BB5 gameplay.

  • Re : BB5 damage testing

    02. 25. 2011 09:21

ok, i am serious now, no fooling around:

45k damage for 12 shells means:

3750 per shell which puts it right in between richielieu (3940) and strasburg (3550)
with a 45 angle -> longest bb5 hangtime

in a ship that goes 37, doesnt turn, has a big hitbox & very poor aa


  • Re : BB5 damage testing

    02. 25. 2011 08:56

Actually richard, it would semi balance the gunset if it keeps the range it has now, until a
110 patch comes around.


Unless you have something constructive to post, don't post. You are just embarrassing

  • Re : BB5 damage testing

    02. 25. 2011 07:19

Ah so, the idea is to make them useless, so we focus only on lvl 100. Without
making unfair to other 110 guns!

Sry, mind was away quite a while now.

  • Re : BB5 damage testing

    02. 25. 2011 04:54

"" 45k salvo's MAX with the Quads ""


  • Re : BB5 damage testing

    02. 25. 2011 03:50

Looking at the screenshots; The shots with the "lower" attack are the ones that sunk
the ship. You can discard those.

It seems attack is at around 60k per salvo. A small damage reduction, but not enough
with the current range.

Personally; Nerf the range to a few pixels above Montana, same gun weight as the
trips. Then increase the range of the trips to 2nd in the tier below H44. Ship runs at 37.
Turning force lowest of the tier.

However, SDE refuses to change ranges now. In a way, I don't blame them; there were
too many useless/needless requests at first.

Thus, to "balance" the ship without range changes; You need to lower the damage
further (45k salvo's MAX with the Quads). The Trips need a buff of some sort; Range
would be ideal, but without that I would go with giving it more damage but longer
reload (compared to the SY gunset which it currently is a "poor mans version" of).

  • Re : BB5 damage testing

    02. 24. 2011 20:11

There will be a problem with the HE nerf part only.
Shell weight must be nerfed also, rather the focusing on HE displayed, because against a low
submergence ship, the sovietsky will do jack squat on them.
It is the thing that worries me. Although a lower tier agaisnt bb5, technichally should not
stand any chance.

It would be lame to land shells on a ship and surviving for its mistake.

Yet, that's where the " bugg issue" appears.

  • Re : BB5 damage testing

    02. 21. 2011 12:14

What is the damage per shell now?

And reload?

I'll be on from now-ish reseting all my crew
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