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  • Tennesse 45 Bad Spread: Gunners?

    02. 22. 2011 06:25

Hi guys, recently i got my Tennesse 1945 after a long grind with having a huge bad
spread since i got Nevada all the way. I was hoping a better spread with the 2x16"
Mark 2 L than the 3x14"that i've been using but thats pretty same spread on both, if
not, worse on 16".

So i got a question, does the gun itself sucks or its my gunners (see stats below)?

Ok, they are the stock ones, arent boosted but they supposed to suck THAT BAD?
Sometime i can't hit ONE bullet because the spread, some games i went just having
low splash damage.

My gunners are acc/acc/acc and EXACTLY the same, even on Expert and Veterans

Does a sailor boost or getting them to 100 vets solve this (wich is best)? They keep
leveling and growing the cap and dont get any better.


  • Re : Tennesse 45 Bad Spread: Gunners?

    02. 23. 2011 06:57

To the above post: ??????????

  • Re : Tennesse 45 Bad Spread: Gunners?

    02. 23. 2011 06:05

play km :D
great spread means great damage
i often got crit with my p pro 2

  • Re : Tennesse 45 Bad Spread: Gunners?

    02. 23. 2011 05:45

Get 2nd BO and start another BB line.

  • Re : Tennesse 45 Bad Spread: Gunners?

    02. 23. 2011 01:34

the 5 level rule is more a 20 level rule.

Spread with the dual 16 will never be really good, but it doesnt have to, the guns shoot
fast and do a lot of dmg. I would say stick with the 16", and get ur vets to 100, that
should help your rld a lot and your acc a bit. then just keep shooting.

  • Re : Tennesse 45 Bad Spread: Gunners?

    02. 22. 2011 20:55

As i said, ill try with the 14" also. About the 5 lvls rule, that doesnt seems to work in
the nevada line,with these gunners ive used 54 cannons at 65+(tenn30) and they
still sucked, thats why i oppened this topic.

I was worried about ability because im just few levels to the next BB and was
worried to stay with that kind of spread sucking since my first BB. Since im going to
be a little more with tenn45 due an unexpected shortage of money i wanted to know
if the boost could really help since ive never used it.

With the boost 16" seems fine now and isnt a problem using it for the next levels
until "fix it" as you said and since im gettin my next ship late that shouldnt to be a
problem anymore.

Im sorry if i may sounded as didnt listen to you but ive been having a hard time since
i got Nevada and didnt get any better leveling up at all. All the information here
helped me, i appreciate.

  • Re : Tennesse 45 Bad Spread: Gunners?

    02. 22. 2011 18:44

Well, there really isn't a point to giving you advice if you don't listen. I told you that
your gunners need to be 5 levels above the level of the gun you use. Other people told you
to switch to the 14" ones (politely suggesting essentially the same thing as those guns
would put you more than 5 levels above) and you are worried up upgrades and ability. Thats
not the problem. At this point, you'll see that in 2 or 3 more levels, the problem will
suddenly go away but you won't know why.... till the next time you level....

  • Re : Tennesse 45 Bad Spread: Gunners?

    02. 22. 2011 16:53

My spread was so annoyng that i boosted them today already, look what i got now:

Yes, in comparison for what i had, yeah, that was a big improvement, but the spread
still bad. But now its playable at least. I know you guys told me to use the 14" but
my spread was bad on it too, didnt have anywhere to run. But I'll try it with this new
setup to see if its better than the 16".

But thats an issue. I use premium but a player wasnt supposed to HAVE TO spend
money to actually play, they should improve this a little bit to be playable even with
normal sailors.

Well, thats it, i'll keep leveling and try to get 100 vet on the next event (hope i dont
burn that much of experts!). Thanks a lot for the advices!

  • Re : Tennesse 45 Bad Spread: Gunners?

    02. 22. 2011 16:37

JVCO - One of the problems I noticed right off is your gunner level vs gun level. I kept
having the same annoying shotgun effect with my main guns. One day while commenting about
this, a veteran player told me to get my gunners 5 levels above the level of my guns
before putting them on. Guess what? Instant improvement. I have 5 sets of gunners: L60s,
L50s, L50s, L30s, L20s, all US. I moved the gunners back and forth on some ships in my
fleet so I could use different levels guns going up and down and guess what? By having a
gunner far above the level of the guns, I got some really tight groups and I was happy
with the performance.

My suggestion is that you either keep the older ships a little bit longer, then move up to
the guns/ship you want when you get your gunners 5 levels beyond. (this way saves you
credits) or you get the newer ship and put the lessor guns on it. This costs a little bit
more credits with the gun changes, but it gives you the xp faster as the level of the ship
corresponds closer to the level of your crew. Either way, you'll find that your spread
issue is fixed.

  • Re : Tennesse 45 Bad Spread: Gunners?

    02. 22. 2011 14:25

Just keep levelling, Try using the 14" mk7 Trips, atleast that way u will fire a lot more

  • Re : Tennesse 45 Bad Spread: Gunners?

    02. 22. 2011 14:04

Apparently boosting does something to the accuracy cap, but I cant confirm this at the
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