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Imperial Japanese Navy


  • CVE Crew?

    02. 24. 2011 19:18

Oyodo, Mogami, Ise, w/e you want to call them.
I'm not exactly the guy who wants to train a million pilots, but I still want to get a
feel for a carrier, so a CVE class it the next best thing.
I already have a Scout pilot, level 35 I think.
So question is, how many pilots should I train?

  • Re : CVE Crew?

    03. 05. 2011 02:35

I use 2 fighter pilots and 3 bombers on Mog43. 2 T1 ftr (for scout hunting) and 13 T1
divebombers. 3 DB pilots are usefull (especially in Blitz) because you can send out 10
planes fast. 5 in a group and then 2+3, and atack something in two waves, like a BB2, or a
rushing CV. With 10 planes you can do some serious damage.

  • Re : CVE Crew?

    03. 04. 2011 17:01

ummm total 4-5 pilots 2 FPs and 2 DBs or 3 FPs and 2 DBs

  • Re : CVE Crew?

    02. 24. 2011 20:29

Oyo can carry 12 T1 dbs or 15 T1/2 tbs. Any more then 2 pilots is overkill and its best to
stick with 1 pilot type. You can however add a scout to help give your team vision.

As for the rest of the crew, DP gunners on the Tslot work well. Its only 2 per side but
with 4.7" thats enough to take out most anything anyway. Alternately you can put torpedoes
or depth charges on there. If you're playing blitz you will want guns, in Gb its more of
an option. All of what I wrote applies to Mog CV as well, except for the fact that it gets
mroe space for planes.

Does the Oyo/Mog CV suck as a CV? Of course but they give you basically free will to do
what you want in GB now that they arnt classed as a CV. Its the perfect way to get a feel
for playing CV without letting your team down.

  • Re : CVE Crew?

    02. 24. 2011 19:53

Go for a normal CV, the IJN half CVs generally suck.