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  • detecting cvs even when you donnt detect one in radar range

    02. 24. 2011 20:27

this is for newbies who dont know,at the end of the game with only few enemy cv
left while your team has plenty of ships and your team is winning,if u want to detect
cvs without driving your ships all around the map looking for it,you should try
this,scroll your cursor everywhere to try to find plane noise in the radar undetected
area(its not a hack),youll might hear plane sounds when you scroll it to the
area,while the radar has limited detecting range,it has unlimited detecting range of
plane noise in the entire map,if u scroll your cursor towards a radar undetected
place,and suddenly hear plane noise at that area,that might be where the cv is
hiding,most cv players who laucnh their planes might leave them there in air near
them for a while,a cv player that uses fighter alot might use it to stay with them alot
when they are the last person standing in game to counter incomin enemy planes in
GB2 or other,scroll the cursor around and if u hear that the noise is comin from
there,rush there and bombs away!

the info is 90% true(i think),im not sure if u all like this tactic,sometimes the cv might
not be with the planes when u hear it,but its worth a try when you attempt to rush
to that plane noise site to see if any cv is there


  • Re : detecting cvs even when you donnt detect one in radar range

    03. 01. 2011 04:08

80 % of my planes wont return to my cv at any time, only the odd DB group
that isnt intercepted after bombing will return.

With plenty of aircraft space its better to keep the fp over the enemy BB's untill
they crash and end the battle with about 20 fp left. Otherwise you'll see your
team blind half the game and end up losing with 70/80 fighters in your hangar.
(for you bb players out there, thats something like saving ammo, to get more
attack ;) )

searching for plane sounds is a sound tactic, especially when you'r flag sinks
and the enemy flag is unspotted.

another tip; when a cv launches planes you'll see the shadows of the planes as
during launch(shadows of the planes at sealevel). even in the fog of war you
can determine a cv's position that way. the aircraft sounds will lead you to the
shadow for the precise position.

  • Re : detecting cvs even when you donnt detect one in radar range

    02. 28. 2011 10:12

unless they're smart and move them another direction first...

  • Re : detecting cvs even when you donnt detect one in radar range

    02. 28. 2011 06:47

dude another tip for you if you see enemy plane follow it (not with your ship) to see
where it goes most of planes get back to their cv's or any other ship send it

  • Re : detecting cvs even when you donnt detect one in radar range

    02. 25. 2011 18:37

it works, I've used it in both GB2 games, and in some of the non-hobbit maps for blitz.

another tactic is to follow where the planes are going to that survive DB & TP attacks.
they'll start off directly back home. even if the CV player manages to change their
direction, you'll get a quick climpse most of the time which way to go to him or her.

  • Re : detecting cvs even when you donnt detect one in radar range

    02. 25. 2011 05:00

yea but i would recommend u use this in gb2,blitz map is smaller,great for noobs to
rush around and search more easily,blitz map is so small that when i play blitzthe
enemy just instantly appeared on screen,no kidding

  • Re : detecting cvs even when you donnt detect one in radar range

    02. 25. 2011 01:41

that is an interesting trick, but its kind of like looking for a needle in a haystack in
larger maps.