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  • CCCP/USSR AA Golden Angles Guide

    03. 07. 2011 10:12

Welcome to my guide for the Soviet Nation. This guide outlines and demonstrates the
Soviet Nations AA Angles including those critical Angles known as Golden Angles.
With the release of the Soviet Nation on the Navyfield live servers on the 10th of March
2011 this guide is designed to inform players who are grinding up Soviet Lines in
regards to Soviet AA Capability and their engagement angles/altitudes in
correspondence to the engagement envelope of the typical circle.

Table of Contents:

- Part 1 = Introduction
- Part 2 = Golden Angles
- Part 3 = Version/Revision History

*Stickied by Angus725 on March 7th, 2011*

  • Re : CCCP/USSR AA Golden Angles Guide

    06. 08. 2011 08:35

Well... Best AA gun...

According to my experiences, the most suitable soviet gun for AAing is SD-2. It has quite
good damage and useable rate of fire. As you can see, it is not clear what is its GA (see
above)... I use 31. Try and decide what suits you best.

Some people may say that Minizinis are good for AA.
It has quite good rate of fire but the damage at the moment is really poor. I remember
hitting enemy plane 6 times and it flew away. After that I never used this gunset again.

Other soviet guns are not siuted for AA whoring because of long reload or low damage.
But they are still good for last stand self defence.

  • Re : CCCP/USSR AA Golden Angles Guide

    06. 08. 2011 04:55

What is the best AA gun and which golden angle has it?

  • Re : CCCP/USSR AA Golden Angles Guide

    03. 16. 2011 14:18

5.1"/45 SD-2 - Angle of 30 #31-32#

I have played over 30 games now AA'ing with these in a Svetlana. 32 degrees for me has
been the overwhelming majority of kills.

  • Update: CCCP/USSR AA Golden Angles Guide

    03. 16. 2011 05:33


Tested it in battle rooms.

3.9"/50 "Minizini" (Tashkent) - Golden Angle is 36

  • Re : CCCP/USSR AA Golden Angles Guide

    03. 12. 2011 15:57

"5.1"/45 SD-2 i think angle of 32 is better than 30"

Try 31.

Also I'm pretty rapidly coming to the conclusion that SN needs a serious AA damage buff
if you want to make it competitive with other nations, against t4 fighters or a big wave
of bombers I feel like I'm (slowly) throwing nerf balls at them. Mostly just useful for
killing scouts as it is.

  • Re : CCCP/USSR AA Golden Angles Guide

    03. 12. 2011 14:12

"Thanks Gjs because i have been missing like crazy with them @ 34 and now 35-36
are ok :D"

I'm glad I could help :)

Also I'm withholding full judgement on what I think of the actual AA balance so until
my gunners gain at least another 30ish levels or reload cap so its closer to what I'm
used to for other nations, but my initial impression is that SN AA is maybe a hair
better then USN (mostly equal)but not as nearly as good as IJN, KM, or MN.
Following is more of an "on paper" assessment.

It seems very similar to USN actually, tight "block" groupings but fairly short range
and not very good reload. TBH I think that most players are going to not run AA on
bb3456 in favor of extra engies and reps, but the 3.9" minizini is basically a usn 5/38
with crappier damage(55 damage SN vs 81 damage USN), and the 5.1 SD-2 is like a
km40 with horrible (more then double) reload, or a USN 6"D with slightly better
reload and a lot less damage.

Frankly I wouldn't use either of them on a BB unless the minizini gets a damage buff
to at least bring it up to usn 3/70 level(70 per shell instead of the current 55), but if I
had to pick one to use it would be the 5.1 SD-2 I guess (mostly just useful for killing
scouts, you are unlikely to bring down a bomber wave until its too late or lucky
enough to be against a horrible CV driver).

The 6" are also an unrealistic option due to the incredibly long reload time, they are
very similar to the usn 6" in terms of reload (read as: they suck), and on top of that
only do 105 damage instead of 144.

Basically my opinion so far of SN AA isn't a very good one, and I will almost certainly
go for an extra 2 supports at BB3/4/5 level. I suppose I will give it some time to see
if it gets better at reload cap though.

  • Re : CCCP/USSR AA Golden Angles Guide

    03. 12. 2011 12:41

I would say there is no best AA guns for SN and it is hard to say clearly only 1 type,
because it also depends on which ship you want to equip AA and purpose of it (scouts or
group of bombers/fighters). Let's compare only 2 kinds of AA guns: 3.9" Minizini and 5.1"
SD-2. (there are more usable AA guns I think)

higher range: point for 5.1" SD-2
faster reload speed: point for 3.9" Minizini
higher AA damage: point for 5.1" SD-2
less weight: point for 3.9" Minizini
lower golden angle: point for 5.1" SD-2
less space required: point for 3.9" Minizini
more binds of ammo: point for 3.9" Minizini

  • Re : CCCP/USSR AA Golden Angles Guide

    03. 12. 2011 10:00

which gun is the best aa gun for SN?
dual 3.9 or dual 5.1?

  • Re : CCCP/USSR AA Golden Angles Guide

    03. 12. 2011 09:56

5.1"/45 SD-2 i think angle of 32 is better than 30

  • Re : CCCP/USSR AA Golden Angles Guide

    03. 12. 2011 07:47

Thanks Gjs because i have been missing like crazy with them @ 34 and now 35-36 are ok :D
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