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  • When to class pilots?

    03. 08. 2011 18:08

I have special forces sailors that are to be eventually fighters and bombers, is the
Aircraft skill important, or should I skip the level 25 classing into a Rookie pilot and wait
until they are at the level to be classed into fighter/bomber/tbomber?

If I class now, I'll get a higher stat in aircraft.

If I class later, They'll have increased stat in repair/restore or whatever else
They might also gain more exp per battle and be easier to level if I leave them
unclassed, but I'm not sure.

I hear that Aircraft does nothing for the other stats, and only works towards scout
toughness, but I'm not sure.

  • Re : When to class pilots?

    03. 11. 2011 16:46

First thing's first, it's also important to tell us what nation these pilots belong too
because certain nations have special bonuses--USN in particular has better special
force bonus AND fighter bonus so it's like a +3 fighter.

I wouldn't keep them as rookie pilots for the sake of crew growth as that wastes on
ability growth bonus. Instead, get them to fighter/bomber class on time THEN you
can consider delayed growth (besides you'll lose out the fun with blitz in a CV).
Based from what I hear, if you want 200 vets on your pilots remain as fighter but you
want your garden variety, cookie cutter, 100 vets, promote to Ace; the differences for
this is almost negligible . NEVER go to Squadron Leader as that's where crew growth
penalty starts to hurt.

For the exact mathematic details, I recommend asking richardphat, he has posted
something about the exact details for this, esp. the USN chart. V2CxBongRipz is the
other guy I recommend since he's a vet CV driver.

  • Re : When to class pilots?

    03. 09. 2011 01:49

If the Special force -> Rookie classing reducess sailor growth it would be wise to skip
it. If not... then it does not matter in the slightest.

  • Re : When to class pilots?

    03. 08. 2011 21:01

Aircraft stat means nothing cuz its disabled