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  • Discussion: Alsace (BB5) - Updated (Apr. 3rd)

    03. 25. 2011 02:10

First topic to be split off to prevent confusion.

There's a few things that might be needed for this ship.

1. This ship has an ammo issue
2. This ship never got the BB5 Durability buff that the other nations received.

I have received a few suggestions for this already. I will list them here:

1. Suggestion 1 (NFEU patch)

1. DP 28500 -> 32000
2. Small T-gun slots 57 -> 71
3. R-gun slots 500 -> 518
4. Maximum of armoring should be: 9.0'' Deck with only the two (2) front main guns
ammo and crew
5. Base speed changes as follows:
1) Front main guns only with ammo and crew: 26 knt
2) All main guns installed incl. ammo and crew: 25 knt
3) All guns incl. 3.5?- 6.1?AA guns installed with ammo and crew: 25 knt
4) Maximum Disp.: 21 knt


2. Suggestion 2

R slot space: 500->506 (5 binds)
Bind weight : 200-> 160
shells per bind 30->40
DP: 28550->30500
Cost: 2895000 -> 4220000
gun level required: 105 -> 100
BB FCS III (Aiming) Accuracy revision: 80->81


Please discuss about this. A combination of both is also possible, or something totally



For the beginning lets start with this and see what effects it has:

- shells per bind increase to 40
- 1 more bind while lowering bind weight
- gun level change
- small DP buff
- small gun accuracy increase

Angus725's update:
These changes has been done already:
MN BB Alsace: Durability: 28550->30500
MN BB Alsace: R-space: 500 -> 510
MN Lvl 105 x4 18.89"/45 cal Model 1936: Shells per bind (HE & AP): 30 -> 40 (O)
MN Lvl 105 x4 18.89"/45 cal Model 1936: Required Level: 105 -> 100 (O)
MN Lvl 105 x4 18.89"/45 cal Model 1936: Weight per bind (HE & AP): 200 -> 160

  • Re : Discussion: Alsace (BB5) - Updated (Apr. 3rd)

    04. 07. 2011 10:25

Alsace guns range Montana, but due to hitboxes, they have the same effective range when
battling each other. You can't have a BB5 range being less than the Montana guns because
that would give it BB4 range.

  • Re : Discussion: Alsace (BB5) - Updated (Apr. 3rd)

    04. 07. 2011 07:46

Nope, you're shooting 0 for 2 there.

If you look at the range chart Alsace is slightly ranged by Monty, if you're an
optimist/pessimist you can say it has the same range sometimes.

As for the cost, all core nations BB5 costs are in the 4M credit range. There is no
reason why the Alsace should be excepted from that.
Besides cost determines the tactical value of a ship. If there ever is a competition
that uses tactical to determine a winner, equal tactical for equal tier ships should be
a given in the interest of fairplay.

  • Re : Discussion: Alsace (BB5) - Updated (Apr. 3rd)

    04. 07. 2011 07:16

I thought MN supposed to have less range than others..

Why does this ship have the same range as Montana ?
it should have the lowest range amongst bb5 and not tied with montana

its range should be nerfed,

And I think the ship should not be made so expensive in credits

  • Re : Discussion: Alsace (BB5) - Updated (Apr. 3rd)

    04. 05. 2011 12:23

Challenge accepted.

  • Re : Discussion: Alsace (BB5) - Updated (Apr. 3rd)

    04. 05. 2011 10:25

You guys... crying
about h44 shell
weight... i hope yu
know that none of
bb5 won't pirce
armour by HE shell's
at 37 ' right ? It's
price for short
hangtime. I have
played h44 and i think
its ok. Mayby some
shell weight for little
better dmg (not
armour pirceing. Want
armour pirceing? Use
ap or make bb5 with
45' cannons). Range is
ok to. H44 want a lot
from player but if he
got it he gives a lot to.

According to Alsace all
it needs is +2 binds

  • Re : Discussion: Alsace (BB5) - Updated (Apr. 3rd)

    04. 05. 2011 02:55

Unfortunately this is just a MN patch. Mind you, not alot has to be done with the H44. Check
the BB5 thread that is unstickied ;)

  • Re : Discussion: Alsace (BB5) - Updated (Apr. 3rd)

    04. 04. 2011 12:48

maybe fix the h44 in the comming mn patch too?

  • Re : Discussion: Alsace (BB5) - Updated (Apr. 3rd)

    04. 04. 2011 12:02

Use a BB6 then. There is no way the Alsace has the same range as the H44;

  • Re : Discussion: Alsace (BB5) - Updated (Apr. 3rd)

    04. 04. 2011 11:42

I am talking when both ships are parallel, so width wise they can hit eachother. I
would have tried to repeat the test but a full Alsace salvo on an H44 ends your test

  • Re : Discussion: Alsace (BB5) - Updated (Apr. 3rd)

    04. 04. 2011 11:39

"I did some armor testing on the Alsace last night. It can bounce both sets of guns on
the H44, and has enough range to land full salvos when BOTH ships are at max
range. Granted, the H44 hits on the far half of Alsace, while the Alsace shells land on
the near half. And, the Alsace has as much firepower with just the front guns as the
H44 has total. It is a bum deal for the H44."

That is because ship length is > than the range difference; The H44 can still hit the
Alsace before the Alsace is in range of him even if the ships are sitting still.
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