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  • gun issus for 14inche Ns and 16inche Ls

    03. 27. 2011 18:15

why is it when i chose the 16inche guns the range was pretty good but my shells
never hit cause of this terrible spread then i swicth to the 14inche and the range is
pretty bad is thare some other gun setups if not plz fix this

  • Re : gun issus for 14inche Ns and 16inche Ls

    04. 04. 2011 15:53

so 14inche Ls dont work on vanny just for the lulz (got it now :) )

  • Re : gun issus for 14inche Ns and 16inche Ls

    04. 03. 2011 22:48

Yeah if you are Nelson you should do the 16l and if hood then the 15" l and if vanguard then the 14 n quads are the
most amusing setup, give it a try playfully then use the 15" seriousy

  • Re : gun issus for 14inche Ns and 16inche Ls

    04. 03. 2011 15:46

i do not rush randomly i wait for the right time

get back to topic dose the 15inche mark III work ok???

  • Re : gun issus for 14inche Ns and 16inche Ls

    04. 02. 2011 17:54

Because without engys with a RN ship you might as well just not leave the starting area;
speed is the epitomy of BB play, as it emcompasses flexibility in stratergy, providing the
dual ability to rush and retreat, hit and run, or just hold the line with everyone else.
He's mad because without engys you go forth and get hit by EVERYTHING in the first 5
minutes... CAs included.

  • Re : gun issus for 14inche Ns and 16inche Ls

    04. 02. 2011 17:36

just asking other play styles why you mad...

  • Re : gun issus for 14inche Ns and 16inche Ls

    04. 02. 2011 09:11

yes, but you'll hit like the repulse/renown BC's before you with even less speed to
work with.

"and i don't have many energies"

quit NF plz, or get MOAR!

  • Re : gun issus for 14inche Ns and 16inche Ls

    04. 02. 2011 09:10

Not to rehash and old argument but playing a nelly with trip 16s using lvl 100+ gunners is
sinfully fun...

  • Re : gun issus for 14inche Ns and 16inche Ls

    04. 02. 2011 08:30

i dont have the KGV i have nelly now almost vanny (YES)

but i dont have many engys D: and this tactic i heard about when ever i use it i die
cause everything shots me when i try to get in thare lower angles like EVERYTHING
starts shooting me D: getts very derpressing

but are the 15inche III Ns ok for nelly???

  • Re : gun issus for 14inche Ns and 16inche Ls

    04. 02. 2011 03:37

@ Fender;The KGV/POW can only fit the 15'' III Ns as the ranged pair of guns, not the
16''; the 16'' I N/Ds do NOT fit on the KGV but you can fit the Ds with ~3 binds on the
Pow with minimal range (About the same as the 14''Ns). The 15'' III Ns are NOT accurate on
lower levels below 80 and it is not advisable to attempt to use them; you will hit maybe 2
for salvo and get 10k or so, against the 14'', where you get in range, blockshot and
devastate even at lower levels. Above lvl 80 the 15'' III N duals are the better gun for
KGV/POW though because of the lower angle and range.

To the poster, its an unfortunate fact of life. My advice is the Speedwhore the KGV with
the 14'' Ns only on the front - you can reach about 47 knts. Then, instead of charging at
the start, wait, conserve your OH , wait for the enemy to become blind (Their scouts die
or your CV sends in a wave of t4s) then rush. You should get into the range easily and
hopefully get 2-3 shots off; if they panic you can sink them because they cannot escape :P

  • Re : gun issus for 14inche Ns and 16inche Ls

    03. 29. 2011 19:51

The guns are meant to be set up that way
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