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  • bb hipper line crew

    03. 28. 2011 09:42

i have a level 54 bo and 2 65 gunners... a lvl 50 repair and a 39 engine... what else
do i need???

  • Re : bb hipper line crew

    03. 28. 2011 16:58

i think you need mote repair and restorer even amount and 1 more engine the would
get you going

  • Re : bb hipper line crew

    03. 28. 2011 15:55

Normally I do not use both scouts at the same time. The ability to instantly launch a
scout as soon as you lose one is worth it alone. Plus the fact that some of the KM BBs can
hold a great deal more scouts then other BBs of their tier.

  • Re : bb hipper line crew

    03. 28. 2011 13:10

Ideally keep your supports above your BO as well. Trust me spending an extra week or so
in an AA ship is more enjoyable than playing at level BBs.

As for the 2 scouts, the idea of being able to scout 2 spots at the same time is nice, it
does not (iirc) increase the amount of scouts you can carry on your ship, and could
potentially mean running out of scouts quicker. If your able to micro your scouts well it
can definitely pay off though. Beyond that, the price of a 115 scout is probably quite
nice if you ever decided to sell a second one.

  • Re : bb hipper line crew

    03. 28. 2011 10:58

You will need 14 sailors for the Kaiser, so you should start building your crew with that
in mind. Getting to a high level and finding out you don't have enough sailors for the
ship is no fun.

For KM your 14 sailors should be:
- 1 BO
- 2 Main Gunners
- 2 AA Gunners
- 1 Scout (at least)
- 8 Support Sailors (mix the number of engys and reps that you want, although 4/4 is a
safe mix for most people)

My suggestion would be to go back to a DD for now and level the crew you are missing. Once
you get every sailor around the same level, then continue with your BB leveling. Keep your
gunners above your BO level.

  • Re : bb hipper line crew

    03. 28. 2011 10:24

My crew:

2 main gunners
2 AA gunners
4 engineers
3 repair men
2 scouts

Dont underestimate having 2 scouts on your ship. If the GB tards think it is ok to go
scoutless then make sure you do not have to rely on them for vision. This is also useless
in BB rooms, especially if you end up being one of the last alive and outnumbered. This is
ofcourse more useful when you have a high enough crew that you can get 900 SD even when
you take off one of your supports.

  • Re : bb hipper line crew

    03. 28. 2011 10:06

For a Hipper I would use:

1 x BO
2 x Main gunner
2 x AA gunner
2 x Engy
1 x Rep
1 x Scout

With 3 more engies and 2 more reps in harbor rotating on and off the ship, and running a
second line.

At bb6 you will need 14 sailors. For KM generally adopted is BO, Gunners, AA gunners, 5/3
(engy/rep) or 4/4 (engy/rep) and 1 scout. As a tip, always keep your Engys relative close
to each other as their ability is averaged for speed, and as you add lower ones later you
will see a decrease in speed and only an increase in OH duration until they reach a high
enough level.

  • Re : bb hipper line crew

    03. 28. 2011 09:56

You need much more supports.
Here is my crew for Andrea Doria :

- 1 BO
- 2 main gunners
- 2 AA gunner
- 4 engines
- 2 repairs
- 1 scout

edit : take the torpers out, a CA or a BB should never prefer torps instead of AA
batteries or HH if you fear subs

  • Re : bb hipper line crew

    03. 28. 2011 09:51

o forgot to put i had a scout.... and i have 2 heavy torp men to defend me from subs

  • Re : bb hipper line crew

    03. 28. 2011 09:50

Probably a Scout. And Some AA gunners, but that last one are just my personal choise.