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  • SDE Epiphany

    04. 14. 2011 15:37

so i was watching the news today and the were talking about the reactors in japan
and etc etc.......
and just like that it came to me. if SDE was running that facility they would be
building a new reactor and telling everyone effected by the radiation that this new
reactor is gonna be even better than these old leaking ones.

  • Re : SDE Epiphany

    04. 15. 2011 13:56

Oh daaaamnnnnn you just hit the nail on the head into the coffin you bad boy
shame on you top =P. I don't think we should bring up the one about the WTC you
will get banned from the forum for sure.

  • Re : SDE Epiphany

    04. 15. 2011 13:41

So I was reading a ww2 book yesterday and I was reading about the defeat of
Japan and suddenly it hit me! After Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and hearing the
communities complaints SDE would realize that all the community actually wanted
was another bomb. So they would quickly drop another one so everyone would be

  • Re : SDE Epiphany

    04. 15. 2011 12:33

I'm worried that anyone thinks the reactor disaster is funny.

Management parallels aside, real people are consigning themselves to short lives full of
health issues over there in an attempt to contain the damage and halt the spread of radiation.

Picking on SDE is one thing, but please do it with some OTHER low hanging fruit.

  • Re : SDE Epiphany

    04. 15. 2011 09:45

I am worried that SDE has any responsibility in anything!

  • Re : SDE Epiphany

    04. 14. 2011 16:28

SDE would actually say they were going to fix it within 1 week. With 1 day left until the
deadline, they would take a look at it, put in a pretty shocking effort and then just say
it was done and that everyone was dying for a different reason...

Then again, if SDE was in charge of anything more important than an online game I would
probably be worried.

  • Re : SDE Epiphany

    04. 14. 2011 15:50

Well thats just rubbish.
They would just put a new coat of paint on the old reactor and say its a new one.

  • Re : SDE Epiphany

    04. 14. 2011 15:44

HAHA true that <3