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U.S Navy


  • is this worth it?

    04. 17. 2011 11:56

got 3 bb crews for US. is it worth it to trade my bb3 crew for a cv1/2?

  • Re : is this worth it?

    05. 23. 2011 19:03

keep the bb crews

  • Re : is this worth it?

    05. 23. 2011 14:30

I would keep it and level up your own crew. Leveling up your own crew gives you an idea of
how you can play the CV. If you haven't played a CV yet, I recommend using the Bogue. I
learned how to play a CV with it. Even tho I had locals. I still did Fighter cover for BB6's. If
you can trade for a CV3 crew I would take it if they are decently trained and vetted. You
could sell each individual sailor on trade for credits too. All up to you.

  • Re : is this worth it?

    05. 23. 2011 07:02

ppl get scamed in trades mate, not always, but it does happen, id just keep your BB
crew and if cv is what you want to go down then start a CV crew level 50 is very
easy to get

good luck and happy hunting

  • Re : is this worth it?

    05. 23. 2011 02:49

the trade should be careful.

1. you dont know how the crew is trained and why the owner want to trade it. should know cv crew need more vets than bb crew(pilots 220+).so it's a long
way to go and you dont know whether they had a good begining would be a bit harder for a green hand to play cv at cv2, at least me...

so any way, good luck~

  • Re : is this worth it?

    04. 17. 2011 22:00

Why do people trade the crews they took the time and effort to level? USN BB disappoints
me outside of Colorado but I wouldnt trade mine for anything. Level your own crews...

  • Re : is this worth it?

    04. 17. 2011 12:29

try to get CV2 and up and good piolets like 3 or 4 FP and 2 to 4 DB\TB at lvl or higher

  • Re : is this worth it?

    04. 17. 2011 12:16

BB3 crew lvl 70+
CV1 crew around lvl 50
Dont trade!
Its not very hard to lvl ur own CV1 crew.