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Royal Navy


  • Is it okay to have one?

    04. 19. 2011 14:38

First off I am well aware UK DBs are the worst. But is it okay to keep at least 1 with the
rest of the pilots in case you are getting bored of TBing?

  • Re : Is it okay to have one?

    04. 30. 2011 01:27

The trouble with carrying a DB is the load of planes you put on your CV. Many games you
will loose all your DBs to a good fighter defence, being left with 2 TB pilots to load
your bombers onto (I trust you have normally more Fighters than bombers on board)

Why run only TB or DB? Because having all TB means that all your offensive pilots can use
all your bombers until they are gone. Splitting between TB and DB means you will run out
of one or the other sooner and be down from 3 pilots to load on to 2, etc.

With 3 TB pilots you can load 2/2/2 for a quick attack between waves of fighters, or even

When you have a DB that number of planes is down to 2/2 or 3/3 and with TB you need the
extra planes to break the bulge. First attack on a BB5 will be 90% bulge, second can be a
killer. But have a DB pilot and you need three runs at a BB5 to get anywhere with your TB,
and that means a BB5 has recovered SD and you have been fighter camped, etc. And RN TB are
by far the best feature of RN CVs.

So nothing wrong with choosing a DB for RN, but it will reduce your overall effectiveness,
especially as RN DB are relatively weak. And, yes, I have a RN DB that I have tried this with.


  • Re : Is it okay to have one?

    04. 28. 2011 03:22

I have one Uk db on my carrier. I think there is nothing wrong with that. It's still
giving good damage and giving alot more xp when you attack with divebombers. I
recommend you to have one divebomber.

  • Re : Is it okay to have one?

    04. 19. 2011 17:02

hey man my crew set up is 4 FP 2TB and 1 DB i had a CV befor this is my uk one your
gonna need a DB a CV is supposed to be the most versitly ship out thare it can do
every job out thare kill planes use torps for subs and DB battle ship but it cant do
them the best

a CV sinking a BB with just torps takes.....a LONG time if he has bulge which every
one is packin like thare moms told them to but a DB ignores that at first try to atk
BBs being attacked or damaged cause they have to SD its gonna make like easy in a
CV if have atleast 1 of every piolet

  • Re : Is it okay to have one?

    04. 19. 2011 16:09

there is nothing wrong with that! You play however the heck you want.. they may not
be the best out there, but who cares.