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  • Armor price decay - can someone clearify?

    04. 24. 2011 01:04

If you slap on armor, finalize, do a battle, come back and sell it - Will you have a net
loss of credits? Or will you get every credit spent on applying it?

I noticed armor seems to get more and more expensive the more you stack on, not sure
if this has any effect on price decay.

You know how guns can cost 5000, but sell for 4000? I'm wondering if armor does this.

Multiple players in game told me it does, others said it doesn't, I would like a definitive
answer so I know if I should quit messing with armor settings as often as I do. It could
be why I never have credit for anything.

  • Re : Armor price decay - can someone clearify?

    04. 24. 2011 16:51

only thing you will get no refund for is remodeling

  • Re : Armor price decay - can someone clearify?

    04. 24. 2011 15:12

If you really want to be sure, you can add +1, then remove it and check your creds. But to
answer your Q, armor comes back full $$. You should avoid advice from anyone who told you
otherwise as this seems to be the simplest thing to figure out.

  • Re : Armor price decay - can someone clearify?

    04. 24. 2011 01:24

sellings armors returns all of yours cred spent on it :)