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  • Easter vs other Holidays

    04. 24. 2011 08:35

First off Happy Easter everyone.

Alright so is Easter the best Holiday. I mean Christmas is a good time of the year, but
really you get presents that only last about a month or two of your time until you are
bored. Good meal usually expected on Christmas too.

The fourth of July is only one night of lighting off fireworks that you bought, kinda just
money down the drain.

Halloween you get candy for free, but you have to work for that candy and it is not
garanteed candy of any set amount. Also you could get a lot of crappy candy no one wants
to eat.

Easter you get candy without having to work for it. You are just expected to get candy and
not even work for it as in easter basket on sunday morning. Also you can work for more
candy through easter egg hunts. Also nice meal on Easter. Some people even get money or
other presents.

Thanksgiving you just get together and eat.

Memorial Day and Labor Day it's all about BBQing and get togethers.

Your Birthday isn't considered a holiday on the thread.


  • Re : Easter vs other Holidays

    05. 02. 2011 09:03

I'm NOT Christian, but Christmas will always be my favourite holiday, even
ahead of those of my religion.

Simply because I appreciate what Christmas symbolises - sharing and giving with
loved ones. Plus, I just love the atmosphere, seeing beautifully decorated Christmas
trees, carols playing in the background, and snow.

  • Re : Easter vs other Holidays

    04. 30. 2011 10:26

Christmas, Easter and Halloween are three of the most commercialized holidays (well
Halloween isn't an official holiday, but it's just as commercialized). with it being
continuously pushed more towards "shopping" and "spending" than what the actual
holidays stand for themselves.

  • Re : Easter vs other Holidays

    04. 28. 2011 08:32

@Storm: as a fan of both pancakes and bunnies, I find that picture offensive :P

  • Re : Easter vs other Holidays

    04. 28. 2011 05:34



  • Re : Easter vs other Holidays

    04. 25. 2011 12:25

Being a parent tends to change your outlook on holidays, the view point changes from "what
am I gonna get out of this" to "how do I make this holiday as enjoyable for my kids as it
was for me when I was their age ?" with that said .....

Christmas/New Year = Santa HAS to come through no matter what ( thank god for doors, I
dunno how you are gonna get through the chimney with a bag of swag ), gifts can be simple
enough as well as the meals but it's worth celebrating yet another year you come home to a
family. ( did I mention Mrs. Claus has a surprise and it ain't milk n cookies ? )

4th of July = Celebrate your independence, payed for not with your wallet but with the
blood of many fathers and mothers, children, & siblings who has served to make sure you
celebrate this important holiday every year, the day of your Independence. ( plus you get
to blow stuff up ! it's almost like christmas but without the red trimming and the cold
weather )

Halloween = the real challenge now is finding out which candy will be popular, how many
you can distribute per child without running out, of course it's by far the most fun for
the kids ( we go to the annual zombie shoot in orange county, california and try our luck
at winning the prize ) nothing says "I need my parents" like screams of "DAdeeeee don't
let em get meeeee" while you tactically reload a carbine with one hand and leg hobbled by
your kids whilst 20 zombies are shuffling closer by the second in near pitch black ( rofl
) - relax they use airsoft for the event, no zombies where permanently harmed in the process.

Easter = as a parent you get to wake up super early, sneak out hide the easter eggs but
only in places where it is not too dangerous for the lil uns, and pretend to go back to
sleep, but NOT forget to take the rabbit out of his cage, and leave him in the backyard
for the kids to find in the morning, only to hear your wife cry out in alarm about her
precious plants getting dug up by the bunny, and you find a lot of holes in the yard, but
NOT the bunny - ooorah job well done mr parent of the year ( nar )

Enjoy the holidays, it's a break for a reason ! ( for me, each is a mission )

- semper gumby ( always flexible )

  • Re : Easter vs other Holidays

    04. 25. 2011 09:18

I don't celebrate any of the "major" holidays here in the States, though I am lucky enough
to get some time off to spend with family and friends. As a result, I enjoy them all about
the same. I typically go skiing during the winter holidays, BBQ during the summer
holidays, and (living in a college town) avoid leaving the house during any holidays that
occur while the students are in town (Halloween, New Year's).

If I had to pick one: Thanksgiving. I get to eat, sleep in, hang with the family, watch
some sports, and ski. Good times :)

  • Re : Easter vs other Holidays

    04. 25. 2011 06:47

Well all holidays are a joke anymore due to the commercializtion of them all,and you
cant blame the corporate world for it because they are only catering to the wants of
the people,It's society as a whole that has lead us down this road.

I can remember when it was all about family and the gathering of friends and the
sharing of gifts to show our apprecation for them being a part of our lifes journey.

For me it has lost all meaning of such,what a shame for all I see know in society is
give me,give me, give me

  • Re : Easter vs other Holidays

    04. 25. 2011 06:13


I get to stuff myself stupid and watch football. I don't have to buy or wrap presents or
other non-sense. Just fat and happy.

  • Re : Easter vs other Holidays

    04. 25. 2011 05:25

Matthew 7:1
Or even Luke 6:37 or Matthew 6:14

Just saying - Storm did apologise after all. Once he removes it, forgive and forget.

Back on topic -
Easter is not a huge thing for me. I do not frequently practice any religion and have
qualms with many so prefer to just stick to the principles that many of the readings

Halloween - Nothing for me (sadly).

I think christmas is the best, but to be honest even that I am a bit skeptical about. I
know presents are meant to be in good faith, but it seems to have lost that 'good
faith' bit somewhere along the way and been replaced by "you have to".

  • Re : Easter vs other Holidays

    04. 24. 2011 23:07

Stormvanger is usually one of the best on the forums. If you two guys are both Christians
then you both understand that we are living in a secular world and other Christans make
mistakes. He's apologized, lets move on.

If you believe in Jesus, then let the first one of you without sins cast the first stone.
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