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  • Submergence discussions

    04. 29. 2011 05:12

Now that we may have a proper way to alter the AP hull damage cap (or submergence
as we use to call it), we need to start thinking about the remaining SN changes that are

The changes to the Stalingrad were requested so that the dev knew that he had to
make it similar to the US BB4 Iowa. That worked out quite well, so the easiest would be
to do it similar for the remaining ships also. That means it would be nice if we could find
ships that are already at the proper values. If we can't, then we now know we have to
experiment with the displacement values.


P.S. The faster we can request these changes, the better we can verify the results.

  • Re : Submergence discussions

    04. 30. 2011 17:47

I guess I am the only one able to pull the direct formula once more?

  • Re : Submergence discussions

    04. 30. 2011 17:39

It is 100% max displacement.

Both the SN BB4 and Iowa (after the change) have the same max displacement.

  • Re : Submergence discussions

    04. 30. 2011 14:37

Your formula has to work with all ships.

  • Re : Submergence discussions

    04. 30. 2011 13:55

well with the pbbs it works perfectly

max displacement and AP cap is proportional

  • Re : Submergence discussions

    04. 30. 2011 11:09

Can't be 4500 for around 65 000

H39 is 4100 something with 69 000
Yammy is 4300 ssmething with 72 000
Monty is 4410 with 73 500

  • Re : Submergence discussions

    04. 30. 2011 10:20


  • Re : Submergence discussions

    04. 30. 2011 03:26

i made some calculation

the APHC is definitely linearly linked to the maximum displacement (with some

and its capped at 4500 above ~65000 tons

  • Re : Submergence discussions

    04. 29. 2011 19:17

Just finished Testing this with Iowa vs Stalingrad // Iowa vs Iowa and the results are good.

Average shell damage (30 shells) was 4650 max range against Stalingrad & Iowa so it's
confirmed! Now all we need to do is apply equal tier submergance values to the remaining
French & Soviet BB/CV's and test.

Equal Tier ships from the core nations should all have the same submergance values, ergo
take a core nation BB/CV1-6 + pcv/pbb and apply their values to MN/SU equivalents and let
us test.


  • Re : Submergence discussions

    04. 29. 2011 16:37

"I believe that it is a ratio between 2 or even all 3 displacement values; an example
would be the H44. It has much more displacement than the SY, yet the APHC is the
same as the SY."

Or that beyond a certain amount of displacement, APHR (AP hull resistance) is capped.

  • Re : Submergence discussions

    04. 29. 2011 15:35

I believe that it is a ratio between 2 or even all 3 displacement values; an example
would be the H44. It has much more displacement than the SY, yet the APHC is the
same as the SY.
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