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  • got banned for an hour

    04. 29. 2011 12:14

I'm a brand new player to this game and I just got banned for an hour, I went into a
battle for the first time and had no idea who was who. all I knew was that the ship
next to me fired and I got hit so I returned fire(alot of return fire) and chased after
that ship targeting and firing. I had no clue the the player i was firing on was an
admin nor the he/she was on my team. granted i did fire quite a few volleys at this
particular ship. there were msgs on the screen but they were rolling by so fast that
if i was asked to cease fire i missed the message in the heat of the battle. I did not
catch the TF player name, however, I do appologize to that admin., I am new, sorry
for that. I thought that he/she had to be enemy due to the red color of the TF tag, is
there a more clear way to tell whom to fire apoun and whom not to? and is 1 hour a
bit harsh on a newb?

  • Re : got banned for an hour

    04. 29. 2011 12:23


Dude, you didn't did the trainings at the beginning, right?
Red names are enemy's.
Blue names are your mates.

  • Re : got banned for an hour

    04. 29. 2011 15:23

congratz! lol ^.^ nice first impression! Yeah dont worry about it, you only got a 1 hr
ban because the mod that gave you the ban knew you were new to the game so,
you are good. Like someone else posted here before me, RED= ENEMY BLUE= TEAM
MATES, you can tell by looking at the color of their ship name and thier username as

  • Re : got banned for an hour

    04. 29. 2011 13:42

new to the game and already welcome to navyfield

like they say bud training is key to learning this game, alot of ppl skip that, and you
see what happens, welcome and hope your future is better then your present


  • Re : got banned for an hour

    04. 29. 2011 13:19

Also getting a 1 hour kick from the server, isnt bad at all since the issue is from
your newness to the game

In addition after the training missions go to and read all the
guides there, dont have to do it now but start learning as soon as you can.

Nebraska Mod

  • Re : got banned for an hour

    04. 29. 2011 12:32

appearently the 2 that i did were not enough, thank you for helping me to realize
where i went wrong. I shall continue with all the training missions and complete

  • Re : got banned for an hour

    04. 29. 2011 12:23

Dude, you didn't did the trainings at the beginning, right?
Red names are enemy's.
Blue names are your mates.