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  • Ultimate CV crew guide

    05. 04. 2011 18:23

Guys I posted this for USN CVs, but it also works for other nations as well, so I reposted at
this sector.

1. one BO with 12/11 restore/repair or repair/restore, also looking for 10+ fight;
Class him to USN at level 12, then stop classing as BO, level him up at lv120 then class as
BO, he will give great SD and repair bonus (you will need another bo to carry him)

2. two huge reload gunners, look for 12 rld and 11+ restore, also 10+ repair, acc is not
important at all
Class him to USN at level 12, then stop classing, level him up at lv120 then class to
arnament/gunner/heavy/huge, he will give great SD bonus as well as acceptatble loading
speed for your aa gun on CV6(you will need to carry him)

2. two bombers, either torp or dive, depend on the need of your clan, look for 12 restore,
10+ in bomber and aircraft (aaw resistence and vision, if torp you need at least 11 bomber)
Class him to USN at level 12, then stop classing, level him up at lv120 then class to special
forcer/bomber/advance bomber, he will give great SD bonus(you will need to carry him)

3. 1 engine, 12 eng and 10+ restore/repair, look for 11 restore
Class him on time

4. 1 scout (optional) 12 restore/ 11 aircraft
Class to usn at lv12 then finish classing at lv120, you will need to carry him

5. 6 fighters, save your time use all elite fighter (13 fight), class on time
Don't believe in late classing or fighter cap, the number in fight is of utmost importance. You
will know when you meet other top fighters.

6. Last step, vet all of them to cap

Use this settings you can go with 6F/2B or 1S/5F/2B or 1S/6F/1B; you will have the speed to
dodge with the engine; you will have the enough best fighters against whoever it is; you will
have 900 SD and enough fire power to defend yourself against ff/dd/enemy planes/ or even
subs; 6 fighters for 12 deck is enough, go 2/4/6 or 4/4/4, and send out bombers when you
clear the sky.

The high restore is hard to roll and you won't get any of those on market, and also you need
to carry them all up to level 120 which will take quite a time. Reaching vet cap is also hard,
so make sure you have enough backup resource and always have fun on the way towards
this ultimate setting.

1. Late classing with higher cap in fight may give you better ability, but as replied by dev,
they my fix that so class on time is insured.
2. I tried this setting and overachieved the 900SD cap on kr server, so if you know exactly
where you are at, you can class early for your gunner/bomber/scouts, or go for higher repair
stat rather than restore. But there is a risk if you fail at the 900 line.

  • Re : Ultimate CV crew guide

    05. 07. 2011 03:57

Y u no encourage the bomberwhoring? Don't underestimate it. :D


  • Re : Ultimate CV crew guide

    05. 05. 2011 04:01

'Late classing with higher cap in fight may give you better ability, but as replied by dev,
they my fix that so class on time is insured.'

good. i class my ijn fighter on time :)

  • Re : Ultimate CV crew guide

    05. 05. 2011 03:45

1) Makes sense, to boost seconday stats such as restore/repair. If your playing UK it's
not really required.

2.a) I disagree with gunners, since most CV players use all 8 pilot slots, T slots are
great for seaman (if you plan to use fighters competitivly) and a medic (should you decide
to value your experts).
Unless you have a BB crew I don't see why you would need gunners, unless it was Rear spot
on Midway for Hedgehogs (front spot for seaman). Lets be clear here, we have
fighters to kill enemy fighters/bombers, why use AA?, take up valuble spots and increase
overall ship weight.

2.b) Makes sense, although I'd advise that DB's are good for CA/BB/CV while TB's are great
for small ships (including subs). Problem with attacking BB/CV with TB's is that it
requires a bomberwhore to be effective since you need to repeat bomb to break bulge and
kill. (not to mention the multiple damage mitigaions on torp dmg)

3) Makes very good sense. Adds SD,repair and Overheat to ship, ability to run gives great
tactical flexability.

4) Scouts personally I feel are mandatory if you plan to be a fighter CV. At top level
lvl120 T5 scouts scout the enemy, lvl100 T4 fighters stay on your lines keeping enemy
blind and intercepting bombs. (dont scout with T4 fighters duel to fuel limitations and
dont downgrade to T3 fighters for added fuel, T4 will destroy you)

5) Agree with 6 fighters. Only reason US fighters are soo good is due to broken T4 fighter
plane stats. Also removal of secondary stats (air/bomb) affecting pilots (to fix T1
exploit) means +2 fighter nations like US get an new and potentialy unforseen advantage.
Still T4 fighters and T5 scouts for US/IJN are OP and will be balanced in future.

6) Agree

In the end I wouldn't call this the 'Ultimate CV Guide' It has many good points but feels
more US/generic centred and doesn't cover individual nation/ship/plane advantages and best
potential crew setups. All my opinions :)


  • Re : Ultimate CV crew guide

    05. 04. 2011 18:29

For fighter aircraft, local= tier 4> tier 2> tier 3> tier 1. But it seems there is a chance your
local get shot down by lower level opponent so their performance is not stable. Using tier 4
rather than tier 2 gives your better micro ability and you can kill bombers quicker. My
suggestion is that on lower levels, use local so you will have a lot of earnings by shoting
down enemy aircraft, then use tier 2 if you capped your vets at lv 80+.