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  • The new secret helicopter used against Bin Laden

    05. 04. 2011 21:32


  • Re : The new secret helicopter used against Bin Laden

    05. 27. 2011 17:24

1 > experimental airframes will not be taken into combat, let alone a covert operation,
use what's tried and true ( HAHO some clicks out, steal a vehicle, either swim out or ruck
out across the border )

2 > all sensitive equipment has a destruction kit ( or destruction protocol for the small
stuff ) - vehicles and man portable crew served weapons have destruction kits, while
radios and encrypted electronics just need a swift kick, and 2 smokin holes in it

3 > that bird in that picture has a refueling boom, making it NOT stealth, long distance
like the pavehawk, but not really stealthy ( ever hear the chest thumping WHUMP WHUMP of a
big bird ? it practically announces your presence for miles, and the sound carries over
twice as far in valleys and over water )

4 > in that line art of a "stealth" helicopter wouldn't it make more sense to use a notar
design ? ( think elongated commanche ) having it's tail rotor exposed doesn't baffle it's
radar signature - arguably in today's battles stealth aircraft has taken a back seat to
more conventional airframes

~ cheers, just my take on things.

  • Re : The new secret helicopter used against Bin Laden

    05. 26. 2011 01:14

"Too bad before the SEALs and Delta left they blew the helicopter to bits with enough
explosives to put a hole in the side of the Earth."

Well form what I herd they didnt use TNT blocks so i doubt that theroy.


  • Re : The new secret helicopter used against Bin Laden

    05. 25. 2011 07:59

looks a little like the camanche.. how come we dont see them anymore, where they even a
real helicopter gunship ??? all we see is the apaches. or longbows

  • Re : The new secret helicopter used against Bin Laden

    05. 24. 2011 07:07

Too bad before the SEALs and Delta left they blew the helicopter to bits with enough
explosives to put a hole in the side of the Earth.

  • Re : The new secret helicopter used against Bin Laden

    05. 20. 2011 21:02

I'm sure the Pakistanis are going: "Hey China! Guess what WE have! Wanna have a
look?". Wonder if the recent fighter deal was a swap for some wreckage?

The Stealth material alone could give their fatty "Stealth" fighter a boost.

  • Re : The new secret helicopter used against Bin Laden

    05. 13. 2011 05:00

because we are that awesome and can sindher

  • Re : The new secret helicopter used against Bin Laden

    05. 11. 2011 11:08

Why even bother using a stealth chopper to take out the worlds most wanted man? Americahh
you so silly!

  • Re : The new secret helicopter used against Bin Laden

    05. 11. 2011 06:58

just saying... Sea Stallions were used in that raid...

  • Re : The new secret helicopter used against Bin Laden

    05. 11. 2011 06:47

The tail rotor must spin really fast, and also I see no intake for the twin turboshaft
engine or where they are at all :c

  • Re : The new secret helicopter used against Bin Laden

    05. 11. 2011 05:52


"A stealth BlackHawk Helicopter"
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