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  • The main problem of current Navyfield IMHO

    05. 05. 2011 17:40

This is not a suggestion as more of an issue to address ,and that can be solved in
different ways.

I played nf for many years, since the first server was originally created(back then,it was
one server just as well).

For a long time the server populations grew steadily but of course now it isnt the same.It
doesnt has to do with graphics since they were always "classic" or maps or more
countries.which is welcome.And the grind was cut to a fraction of what it was in 2004,
maybe now its a tenth of what it was.

The issue i feel, is that for the growing years, we were allowed to make friends and play
with them every game, and still level up .Now we can either join the gbs that pervade us,
and pulled everyone with the -even if you are terrible you get xp- motto.Or play with our
friends and wait ages to even start and dont get as much xp(specially if your role is
supportive more than damaging). Its just not as fun, is definitively not nearly as fun to
play with a bunch of strangers of uneven skill levels(or not strangers but people you know
arent too good), without zero hope of teamwork.And thats what most nfers(remaining ones) do.
I understand the limit was impossed to avoid steamrolls,but it also killed a core of
navyfield addiction and it happened years ago. So this no rant, just what i state we need
back in an efficient way.


  • Re : The main problem of current Navyfield IMHO

    05. 05. 2011 23:32

gb does still exist? hmmm only a small percent gb2 always being played...

i still like the manual balance...

  • Re : The main problem of current Navyfield IMHO

    05. 05. 2011 20:07

I feels you, I first started on Iowa, games were decided by teamwork, albeit called
stacking at times, but it was far more addicting than the current spam split and go, a
touch patience of actual balance makes an interesting match than 90 percent of the time
where it ends six bb's chasing the remaining two carriers to the corner.

  • Re : The main problem of current Navyfield IMHO

    05. 05. 2011 18:22

Great Battle still exists.