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  • Planesman question

    05. 06. 2011 01:24

i am a complete noob. very new to the game and have a question.

What kind of ship do you put a planesman on and, what does he do exactly?

i read a post somewhere that gave me an idea as to what he does. but i'm not all
that smart so i'l like it spelled out for me in simple terms.


  • Re : Planesman question

    05. 21. 2011 14:09


  • Re : Planesman question

    05. 21. 2011 07:41

lol. my friend use planesman for cv. I also dont think the planesman is for ss.

  • Re : Planesman question

    05. 12. 2011 12:47

The planesmen is what goes in your fighter planes on a cv.. with out them your planes wont
fly.. thats why they are called planesmen because they are men in planes!!!

im always happy to be helpful.

  • Re : Planesman question

    05. 11. 2011 22:26

"As far as I know, Plansman in no way what-so-ever effects how long you can stay under
water, ONLY how quickly air refills when surfaced." - Blazerforshow

This is really the only thing you need to worry about with planesman.

  • Re : Planesman question

    05. 11. 2011 21:24

"Planesman are used for SS's they AREN'T used for anything else. They are used to determine
how long you can stay under water and how fast you regain air (depending on your vets and
experts) "

As far as I know, Plansman in no way what-so-ever effects how long you can stay under
water, ONLY how quickly air refills when surfaced.

Ironically enough, the explanation on Trainworld is both more accurate and more
informative than your post.

While to become a skilled player in this game involves a great deal more than just what is
on trainworld, trainworld is a site all players (at least the ones planning to stick
around and get better) should be aware of. It is very easy to navigate, and filled with
virtually every bit of basic information (without all the sidetrack, flamefest, drama, bs
that most topics on here run into).

  • Re : Planesman question

    05. 11. 2011 19:33

Trainworld doesn't give you enough info to become a skilled player asking questions and
learning does. Don't just direct people to TW because it can't give the answers a human
actually can.

Planesman are used for SS's they AREN'T used for anything else. They are used to determine
how long you can stay under water and how fast you regain air (depending on your vets and

  • Re : Planesman question

    05. 11. 2011 15:15


you can go to this side, and click on the left menu once you're entered it "sailors" and
bring up one of the nations listed on the menu that then appears on the right side.
there's a good description of each sailor a nation has. plus the sailor tree for which
ways you can class each sailor type.

the same can be said for ships, aircraft, guns, etc.

  • Re : Planesman question

    05. 06. 2011 08:30

thank you very much

  • Re : Planesman question

    05. 06. 2011 02:30

The statement above is partly incorrect.
A Planesman doesn't determine how long a sub can stay under water, that depends
only on the sub you use.
A planesman main ability is the refilling of your air tank, the better the planesman
the faster your air supply refills after use.
Unlike other support sailors( engineer/repairer) using more than 1 doesn't help, so
you only need to use 1 on a sub.
Make sure the planesman has at least 90% of his maximum crew size filled, so you
start a game with a full tank of air. For the planesman to use his ability, he has to
be put on a support slot, he doesn't refill your air if used on a gun slot.

  • Re : Planesman question

    05. 06. 2011 01:49

The planesman goes on an SS, or submarine. He controls the air supply in the SS, i.e. how
long you can stay underwater and how much time it takes to replenish this supply when you

Edit: Meh. I meant how long underwater was indirectly affected by the planesman with how
much/how quickly the air is taken in. Guess my wording was a bit off.