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  • A Noobs impression of a CV

    05. 10. 2011 16:18

First off, i'm a noob. new to the game in general.

Things i find difficult about the CV:

its slow. hard to keep distance and blitz maps are really small.

cant take a hit. well, it makes sense. but combined with the slowness it sucks.

i can't hit anything smaller then a BB with Torp bombers. (this could be cause i''m a noob)

i choose UK. so, i dont have dive bombers yet. which are the bane of my existance.
seems like i'm always getting hammered by them.

my fighters cant even kill scouts it seems. and bombers? heck no... could be because
i'm not boosted and have very few vets.

Torp Bombers in general seem to suck. everyone loads bulge and belt armor. so even if i
hit someone it does no damage.

Things i like about CV's:

hard to say really. i do enjoy the one i have. its fun sitting back and launching planes
all day. hard to juggle what needs to be up and attacks and what not. alot different
then playing my CL or CA i had before this ship.

afew questions about CV's:

first off, if i launch my attack planes. right click the target then go and do other
things, will they fire their torps if i dont switch back to them? same for DB's as well i

as a low level CV, what should i be doing in the bigger battles? IE: Great battles.
i've tried just attacking bombers with my fighters but i cant even kill them or the
scouts. i've tried torping BB's. have done some decent damage. but often die to enemy

i've read afew of those CV guides. learned alot and tried some of the tips they put in
there. based on what you've read here, anything else i might need to know?


  • Re : A Noobs impression of a CV

    05. 15. 2011 21:02


hola noob ... listen up ...

1) ... don't play hobbled hobbit blitz baby play pen maps ... use a normal size map
(translation: .. use a regular full size "BIG" map .. not the hobbitt TW TK carnage)

2) its blitz - the hobbled TW TK carnage mentioned above is why everyone runs belt
..... you will have a little bit better time if you use your TB's to target submarines at
the very start of GB games and also keep an eye on your subs and your asw sonar
ships .. TB when they find a sub ... also assist your subs in stripping the bulge from a
BB .. soften them up for final slavo kills ... do not TK your own ss or asw - please ..
* remember that cv can carry sonarmen for ss spotting near their own ship itself ..

3) ... fyi ... deck armor is the one that matters most for bomb 'protection' .. just sayin
also important is keeping an eye on their incomingbombers and learning to wiggle
yer butt to make them miss their egg drops .. an AA escort is also good to have ..
this is also a reason for throwing up local fighters to keep your head clear of such

4) ... if your cv has the option to mount guns .. do so .. and learn to use them well ..
you might even want to consider the choices .. HH or AA .. etc ... and develop skills ..

5) .. for further education and instruction .. join the incubation fleet that i recommend
(contact me in game for the one i have in mind as best for training you in cv handling)


  • Re : A Noobs impression of a CV

    05. 13. 2011 19:19

A CV1/2's role is way different than the role of a CV3+ in GB2. Having recently gotten
my Yorktown and roughly 5 levels of GB2 play under my belt in the Independence, do
not play a CV2 like a CV6 or vice versa. Most people would say that fighter support
is the main role of a CV1/2. That is correct, to some degree. I kept fighters on one
flank near the biggest BB I could find. (normally a Super Yammy or Iowa) However,
the best thing that you can do without sinking the enemy's flagship is to take away
their opportunity for a counterattack. In other words, don't get involved with the
flagship until later in the battle. Focus on knocking out their other CVs so sinking
your team's flag will be much different. If you just sink the flag of a team with 4 CVs,
then they still have 3 CVs that they can use to sink your team's flag, assuming that
none are fighterwhores. Normally I try to knock out 2 CVs before the flag is sunk,
unless some other CV on my team is a noob and goes straight for their flag, making a
CV1/2's job a lot tougher since now you have to sink their CVs at a much faster rate.
Hope that helps.


  • Re : A Noobs impression of a CV

    05. 13. 2011 17:37

Here's what I would suggest:

First, stay in blitz as long as you can. Its a bit easier there and a good place to
practice. Second, if you aren't that great at the controls, I suggest going doing the
"test mission" and just blow up the pirate's stolen BBs. Learn how your planes function.
Also, the BBs will come after you, so you'll get a little practice bombing and driving
your ship at the same time. Finally, if you have to do GB2s now, I would go after lesser
ships without bulge. All those CLs and CAs shooting down your planes? They can't carry
nearly as much bulge as the BBs and CVs. Pound the day lights out of them with your TBs
and send you T1s over as scouts. Your team will get a lot more out of this than anything
else you can do.

  • Re : A Noobs impression of a CV

    05. 11. 2011 15:12

people tend to play the game a while first, usually up one of the BB lines into a BB1
before they start experimenting with a CV or even a sub.

myself, I've gone through the attacker. loved being a terror in blitz. dreaded moving
up to GB2 games at that low level.

what you learn in a cv in blitz. how to use your TBs (or DBs if that's the given case),
and perfect your targeting using either auto or manual (up to you which you prefer).
targeting. in blitz especially, you learn really situational awareness for what's
happening around you. and sooner or later, if at all, you'll learn how to deal with
threats close in. which royally sucks when you don't have guns to use on a cv (UK
you don't get any until the 4th carrier you get).

then you get up in gb2 games, and it's all about dealing with enemy fighters,
scouting for bbs, using your TBs or DBs as you can against the enemy. and having
much more room to play with, and more support generally from dedicated AA ships.
but you also learn the dreaded fear of submarines.

in your case, practice makes perfect, your pilots (and thus, your planes) will improve
as they gain levels, and as you learn how to use them with more efficiency.

if not, you're not going to be THAT far along, if you want to you can put that crew on
hold, and start up another one for one of the BB lines. I did that with my original IJN
crew. got up into Kongo BB1, scrap the whole crew and went UK. I've got 3 crews
there now (Sub, BB, and CV) and just started another IJN CV crew not too long ago.

  • Re : A Noobs impression of a CV

    05. 10. 2011 18:33

If you're fleet-less, you should try and find a *good* fleet to join that can mentor you.

Outside of that, I don't know enough about CVs to give educated suggestions :S

  • Re : A Noobs impression of a CV

    05. 10. 2011 17:31

ty for the tips guys

  • Re : A Noobs impression of a CV

    05. 10. 2011 17:25


Hes asking for tips.


Difficult things:
1 Its slow - Use the aircraft. The CVs are generally slow but they are not frontline
vessels and should never get into fireing range of any enemy (cept for blitz)

2 Can't take a hit - Well then don't get hit. CVs usually are easier to damage due to the
lower soft defense.

3 Problems with torp bombers - TBs untill they become AAW immune (a long time) are imo
useless. Maybe good for a bit of sub hunting but useless otherwise.

4 Dive bombers - Dive bombers pretty much own everything in blitz (with some exeptions)
you would have to read up some guides on dodging DBs. Also note that RN has the WORST Dive
bombers in the game while their TBs are the best (but agains do not expect them to be
great till they get AAW immune.

5 Fighters - Use locals

6 Torpedo Bombers - Don't Use them. Torpedo damage is more or less worthless now in terms
of Credit/Exp. Better stick to using locals and covering friendly BBs from scouts and bombers.


1 Will my attack planes autoattack - No. You have to either spam click on the target or
(in case of TB) press . when you want to release the payload.

2 What should i do in GB - You can use local fighters to keep enemy Bombers/Scouts away
from your teammates (or yourself) use the TBs to seek and destroy missions against enemy
subs or... try to harras the enemy CVs with them.

Oh and seriously learn some DB exasion moves evading them is not that hard (especially in
a CV1/2).

  • Re : A Noobs impression of a CV

    05. 10. 2011 17:18

Don't expect much for a help on the forums.
People tend to noob around when someone asks a legitimate question, but it seems
that everyone forgot about their noobish days.

Before going further, you will find A LOT of useful information on the different nations
subforums, every single one of them has a CV guide, and besides the different
aircraft types/stats, they all behave in the same way as a general rule.

As a suggestion, use locals and scouts for blitz, map is small, you get good
cover/firepower with short lifespan and short reload.

Don't use torpers. Lvl up a couple of bombers, and if you find it hard now, go back to
a smaller AA ship while gaining Experts on GB2, lvl up your pilots, learn how other
CVs micromanage their squads and have some fun. Those AA ships will be your
ulterior problem.

  • Re : A Noobs impression of a CV

    05. 10. 2011 16:40

"First off, i'm a noob. new to the game in general."

Well there ya go