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  • NavyFIELD Fishing

    05. 14. 2011 15:11

Usually I don't like to brag about the ones that got away, but this is a bit silly...

Seriously, he went right over it.

  • Re : NavyFIELD Fishing

    05. 15. 2011 12:39

The Kongo sailed straight through, the Oyodo was sailing in a jerking motion, meaning it
was going almost straight but it's direction must have been a bit to the left because it's
ship would appear to "jerk" to the left every few seconds. (best way I could describe the
movement lol)

  • Re : NavyFIELD Fishing

    05. 15. 2011 11:47

Plazmadj when the ships sail right through it are they moving left or right at all? or are
they sailing in a straight line not changing direction?

  • Re : NavyFIELD Fishing

    05. 15. 2011 09:02

From what I've seen, I believe they explode on impact with the water if dropped
next to a ship before they successfully arm. Once in the water though, I believe the
ship will just run over them without the mine exploding if it hasn't yet armed.

  • Re : NavyFIELD Fishing

    05. 15. 2011 06:40

Had another instance of this happen just last night. I had laid 6 mines in front of an
Oyodo, and they had finished setting well before the Oyodo drove over them. But regardless
of that, the Oyodo just drove in a straight line over them without any of them
exploding...and yet again, a CL (Atlanta IIRC) drove towards them following the Oyodo and
the mines exploded even before the CLs nose was in line with them (only took 2 to sink the
CL)...darn NF bugs!

  • Re : NavyFIELD Fishing

    05. 14. 2011 21:05

I'm not so sure about either of those anymore V2C. I've seen dds/cls firing at my mines
while they are still counting down, and even though the shells go exactly where my mines
are they don't disappear, explode, or anything. They just keep counting down, and explode
from being shot at only after the timer is done...

Also, my mines had finished setting at least a few seconds before the Kongo had gotten
near them. That's what was so frustrating about it X-(

  • Re : NavyFIELD Fishing

    05. 14. 2011 20:27

"isnt there a safety time on the mines before they activate? "

If they are hit before the safety activates they explode without doing damage or
disappear. I forget which but its one or the other.

  • Re : NavyFIELD Fishing

    05. 14. 2011 20:21

There is. Sometimes theyll still not explode.

  • Re : NavyFIELD Fishing

    05. 14. 2011 20:03

isnt there a safety time on the mines before they activate?

  • Re : NavyFIELD Fishing

    05. 14. 2011 19:32

It's even worse when you're playing as a Mine-whoring low-level CV in Blitz, drop 6 mines
in front of a Kongo, and he sails right over them without even one of them
exploding...Even worse part was a CL followed behind him, sailed slightly farther away
from the mines, and managed to make 3 explode which sank the about frustrating.

  • Re : NavyFIELD Fishing

    05. 14. 2011 18:32

^^ so is hackshield
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