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  • Are there no plans for ss balance ???

    05. 19. 2011 20:36

Its seems like nobody wants to touch ss balance because they feel like SDE would
have to do a total redesign .... but does it really have to be that way ? Surely we
could just change some values and drastically improve SS gameplay ?

there is no variety, out of 24 subs there are only a few of note, the km ss3/4, and
the ijn ss4, all the others are so similar that they might as well be the same ships,
whats the point in having 24 ... soon 30 or 36 submarines when theres so little
difference between them ?

some changes that could add variety/nation traits

proxy torps : should maybe not be limited to KM, these should be optional for anti
sub, and possibly should be made faster,less range and do less damage

splash damage : its huge, way too huge, these should also be a type of torpedo with
either limited speed/damage/weight (number of torps you can fit)

torpedo speed/range : again, you can make new torpedos and adjust the current
ones to add alot more variety

Ship speeds : you could have sprint subs that are very fast yet less air time, then
slow subs that stay underwater for ages ... variety.

diving : As far as im aware, all subs pretty much dive in the same amount of time ...
why ??? again .. lets have variety and change it up.

turning force : smaller subs should turn better than bigger subs .. duh ... atm its
hardly noticeable

bulge : i know this isnt very realistic but ss5 and 6 should be hard to sink by other
subs, it wouldnt do much against HH and depth charges but it can be interesting for
ss vs ss ... maybe .... who knows its an option worth exploring

with all these you could formulate nation traits that would add variety to the SS
gameplay, as well as balance it at the same time, atm every sub has every
advantage here and then some, and now they will be introducing new subs that
compound that problem

so is it worth coming up with some changes and testing or do we have to wait for a
complete redesign by SDE ?


  • Re : Are there no plans for ss balance ???

    05. 20. 2011 12:32

You have no idea how much I want to sort out subs.

  • Re : Are there no plans for ss balance ???

    05. 20. 2011 12:07

Remember when SDE said they could be rebalanced when SS4 was released? Clearly they are
overpowered but no one will do anything about them?

  • Re : Are there no plans for ss balance ???

    05. 20. 2011 00:10

SS are out of our reach for now.

Maybe we can do a bit later, but don't count on it to much before they all are released.


  • Re : Are there no plans for ss balance ???

    05. 19. 2011 23:05

Noticeable, and it is way too much.
This is what makes a ss3/ss4 able to push an entire bb line back to spawn area.

  • Re : Are there no plans for ss balance ???

    05. 19. 2011 22:31

He has a pretty good idea. We could use this to balance subs, better then they are now.

  • Re : Are there no plans for ss balance ???

    05. 19. 2011 20:54

its sad richard :(

about the dive time ... is it really noticeable ?

a hypothetical situation : lets say you are behind enemy lines and every man and his
dog starts launching HH's at you. In this situation, at the moment every sub is almost
exactly the same, they can dive then start taking damage, then after they have
taken enough damage they surface, the approximate amount of time for each SS
class is almost the same, theres no real variety.

If for instance, your nation trait was to be able to stay in deep dive for 2 or more
minutes, yet it took 10-15 seconds to dive ... this could be a double edge sword that
would make things alot more interesting, there will be times it will hurt you, and
times it will save you ... its something to consider at least

anyway this isnt the suggestion forums, i just think that SS5 is gonna make a huge
negative impact on the game and invariably SS would have to be addressed at some
point, rather i want to know if the test team/TNF have the foresight to be looking this
far ahead and thinking about it, afterall it would be a major project.

  • Re : Are there no plans for ss balance ???

    05. 19. 2011 20:37

More like we were not to allowed.
There was one time SDE want us to start balancing when all the SS are released. It means
after ss5 we could be allowed to balance.

But knowing $DE can change or even never let us touch them.....

Pss, some error.
SS have different dive time.