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  • Really being useful in a CV

    05. 24. 2011 12:44


Hey all,

The point of this post is to LEARN from experience... so I want to start off by saying
yes I'm pretty new to driving a carrier and I'm asking for help... not inviting folks to
shout 'noob!' and up their post count without saying anything useful. I'm going to
explain what I've been doing in some detail because I think it, coupled with the
advice I hope I get, might help other players in similar situations.

I've got a level 66 US CV BO and just picked up my Yorktown and I know with a ship
of this level I really need to start playing more like a serious carrier driver instead of
a cve or close support carrier... and I've read the guides and a lot of forum posts that
include bits of info, but I haven't been able to piece together a real strategy from all
the bits I've read... especially since so much of the advice out there has been
somewhat outdated by changes to the fighter tree and other factors in the game.

My objective is really to win battles - Obviously I want to gain exp and level up to
better ships and equipment as well, but not at the expense of fairness or fun... so
my primary focus is on having a good time and winning fights without resorting to

My current Yorktown crew consists of three fighter aces (65, 61, and 60) two dbers
(65, 59) and one torp bomber (51) and on the gunslots I keep a restorer and a level
49 torp bomber that I'm training for when I have a bigger ship.

My first big question is about fighters - I've read old advice and have gathered that
to some extent putting higher level pilots into lower level planes is better. Is it
better to fly my level of pilots in T1 fighters even though they've just barely got
access to T2s? At what level do you recomment switching to T2s? and T3s, same
question... should I switch as soon as the pilots can, or keep them in lower level
fighters until a certain point?

I hear a lot of flack about local fighters, but honestly I've found that's the only way I
can keep my fighter pilots contributing to the battle at their current level. My basic
battle strategy in GB2 is to hug near the line and keep flights of 4 locals picking off
scouts at the top of the game, then fall back as the higher level players gain air
control and start sending my bombers out specifically targetting the enemy carriers,
really devoting most of my attention to killing the flagship. I try to stick near the flag
so I can scramble my locals if enemy bombers come near it. I feel like I actually
contribute quite a bit to my team with this strategy... but I REALLY want to be able to
operate 'real' fighters so I can scout and cover my BBs better... but everytime I try to
switch to t1 or t2 fighters they just get chewed up so rapidly... they seem like a
waste. I do try to follow what the guides recommend as far as 'dragging' my fighters
out of circles and releasing them but even with this micromanagement I'm still
chewed up rapidly by better pilots and planes. I know that at level 60 I'm not going
to be able to take on level 120 pilots in a fair fight... but I don't feel like that means I
should just operate locals until I've got my own level 120 pilots... but don't know
what the next step really is?

I know in another 20 levels my fighters will be a lot more skilled... but as I grind
there, what can I be doing now at my level to help out? I feel like I'm driving a cv3
like a cv1 should be driven... and I'm being very successful... by cv1 standards -
downing everything that comes after me and sinking a lot of carriers if I can time my
attack for when their fighter cover isn't overhead... but I want to improve and don't
know what to do next?

I don't have much trouble with my bombers at their current level. Sure, they can't
knock out well armored bbs, but they can punch through the deck of most carriers in
a couple of runs. And the TBs do fine with carriers, picking off random subs that get
too close, and occasionally going after a CA or CL that either sneak around to
threaten our carriers or that are just a little too good at AA to ignore. So I'm
perfectly content to wait till I have higher level bombers to start going after the ships
of the line.

But if someone could offer advice as to which fighters to use when, how to get
started at being a more useful part of the overall battle strategy, and anything else
you feel like would be useful to us 'lower-mid-level' cv drivers, I'd really appreciate it.

Thanks for tolerating some newb questions!

  • Re : Really being useful in a CV

    05. 24. 2011 18:27

You've got a great tactic for a CV mate. As the other CV drivers have said so far, stick to
your locals. BB's whine about them, but atleast they can shoot things down.
The dragging is also a great skill to learn this early on. Try it with your locals on T4's and
you'd be amazed at how easily you can make other planes take a bath. The thing that
I'm going to suggest here isn't a gameplay mechanic, but rather observational. When
your escorting, start searching the skies/enemy line/friendly line for where you can help
out. CV's often have to be many places at once (You have probably experiences of this
yourself) If you're used to doing it in a low level ship without all the fancy planes and
bombs, then when you upgrade, you'll be the new terror of the skies. ;) Good luck to
you and your grind. Keep up the good work.

  • Re : Really being useful in a CV

    05. 24. 2011 15:54

why the hell is my text all fragmented like that ??????

  • Re : Really being useful in a CV

    05. 24. 2011 15:16


ok first of all your barely out of blitz lvl 66 is like what a cv2 cv3 at best,

first you need to adress your pilot issue and yes its an issue, you have 3 fp's and 2 db's
and 1 tb ok dont take this personaly but im just loling..

ok i was just the same when i first started which is why im loling it brought back some
funny memmories.

ok first off you need to play even with your fp. your fp are your primary tool as a cv
player. ideally you want 4 fp preferably 6, this allows you to launch 2 waves consisting
of 3 pilots each wave, while one is up in the air the other wave can be loading, this
reduces time and allows for you to keep a bigger pressence in the sky.

the reason we play fp is not to rack up kills on noobs but more to try and keep enemy
bombers from reaching our bb lines and flag ship. fighters are the most important aspect
for any cv player. so rub your hands together when you see someone who flys with just

ok now two db's is fine, later on you can have a maximum of 8 pilots on your ship at any
one time but no more.. and your higher level ships will have 9 support slots meaning you
have an extra slot. most cv players fill this extra slot with seaman, some use reps or
engy's the choice is yours.

if you want to be more of a bomber cv player then i sugest 4 or 6 bomber pilots and 2 fp
if you have 3 fp and 3 db and 2tb your going to have odds and ends and being organised and
consistant with effectiveness is going to be a struggle fgor you.. sure launching a wave
of 3 pilots will probably work a treat for you in the sky, but once those planes are gone
you now have to wait a full load cycle to load up another wave of fp.. you cannot load fp
on the pilots that are already launched hence why i said 4 or 6 fp's i personally use 6,
some cv players use 8 fp but i think thats just too fidly and can get messy. each pilot
sits on a diffrent number key meaning each wave requires 1,2,3,4 keys to keep control to
manage the planes. thats kinda hard. where as only 3 keys per wave isnt so bad.

as for which planes to use, i for one advise you to ignore all the people telling you that
locals fail, they dont, they are pretty good in all honesty, and are for a low level like
yourself your best defencive weapon against enemy bombers.. they are fast and powerful.
the only real use for you at low level with t1 and t2 planes is to scout for bb's your fp
at that level simply wont last long enough in a pitch cv battle with higher level
players.. so put your locals on and keep bombers off the bb's and your self. and once
your team is winning start bombing.

leave the scouting and fc to the higher level cv's these guys are aware that bombing early
on is futile for their attempts as most cv players always launch fighters first. the idea
is to control the skies by elminateing the threat of enemy bombers as early as possible.
also if your are able to use t2 i still recommend you stick with your locals, your fp are
indeed better in low level planes than they are in at level planes. but if you really must
must must use your t2 or t1 fp then i strongly sugest sticking to a pure scouting tactic
as your planes dont stand a chance in a gb.

your fp will start to become very usefull in t2 planes at around the lvl 75-80 mark also
it is a good idea to use only +12 fp base stats on your fighters. anyless and your
wasteing your time leveling them. if you can afford elites buy them if not then boost
your +12 fp and put as many experts and vetts as you can on them.

in all honesty your pretty much stuck in your current levle of usefulness for a few more
levels. once you get t3 planes and your fp are roughly 10 levels higher than the planes
them selves you will start to see a diffrence. until then you should stick to what you
already do best.. and ignroe bb players, most of them dont even carry scouts and alot of
them that do dont even use the scouts.

also if they are AAing your planes thats just ignorance and arrogance, so dont listen to
bb players moaning at you, they moan all the time and at the end of the day if their being
sunk while blind its purely because they are being ignorant and havnt fallen back and
instead decided to get all shop up and then procedd to blame there death on you. when its
really their own faults for not falling back while blind.

at lvl 66 use locals. dont waste your time with t2 everything else will masacre you, you
only stand a chance against cv's of similar levels to your self.. ive posted alot about
having level restricted gb rooms but nothign has come of it, instead sde forces news
players to play with experienced players by experienced i really mean higher level
players, they dont have experience they just have higher level crews. and thats all that
realy matters in this game.

so just take that into account when joining a gb room or cv room.. there will be cv's with
100+fp who you dont stand a chance against. stick with those locals and just keep spamming
them up. let them land launch more.

and get some mroe fp i recommend 6 fp's and 2 bombers.

also if you need to launch fp's in a hurry for emergency you can load 1 fp on each pilot
and still put 6 in the air thats still pretty effective for a quick launch. might not
survive but they will take down the incoming wave of enemy bombers.

when your pilots are lvl 75-80 you should be useing your t2 planes. you will find that at
lvl 75-80 your t2 planes are pretty good alot better than they was before. if you have
good pilots you may even take down some t3 and t4 planes ;) once your pilots hit 85-90
you should be useing your t3 planes.. these are alot better. and you will feel much better
about your usefullness. t3 planes used to be the best planes in nf. and with good pilots
they are still very good.

once you hit lvl 107-110 you should be useing your t4 planes, these are the last fp you
will use, these babies take down everything other than other t4.. then its all down to
your base stats and level. if you have +12 t4 and some one else elite t4 of the same
level, he's going to beat you its really that simple.

if your upagainst a lvl 120 player with t4 and your lvl 110 with t4 the 120 guy is still
going to beat you. its just the way the game works.. high levels have the fun while low
levels have to suck it up.

i dont like how it is either and ive put my suggestions forward for level restricted gb
rooms but no one listens or reads them.

people often say their isnt enough players and doing that willd rive more players from the
game.. i personally feel that the reason why we dont have many players is because the
game is unfair and set purely in the favour of the higher level players. their is no
balance you dont need skill you just need to be a higher level.

good luck with your cv.

  • Re : Really being useful in a CV

    05. 24. 2011 13:17

First off, youre using locals. With most people thats not a great thing, but if youre
doing what you described then you are being very helpful to your team so its fine.
You'll want to switch out of them when you notice that they are starting to shoot
down other peoples planes, or when you hit t3, whichever comes first. If you want
to go to t2's earlier, that is fine because they are good scouting and unlike the T1s
(you should stay out of them, by the way. They suck.) T2s can chase down scouts
and bombers.

Before i continue, i must address your crew. The restorer, you should keep. But
leave him off your ship for now, you need all slots filled with pilots to be levelled. My
personal set up on my essex is 4 fighters, 4 bombers, and a seaman. The fact that
you have 3 fighters is not good unless youre going BW, in which case get an MN
crew. I can tell you that with the set up i said above, i HATE playing cv. I cant
effectively scout, i can barely do well in fighter combat and protecting our line is
rough. I can bomb, but because theres so few pilots, its hard to really do damage.
My reccomendation is to go with 6/2 fighter bomber, or 8/0 fighter bomber, because
youre US. Fighters are alot better than the bombers, and once you build up some
money you can make another CV crew if you want to go bomber-heavy.

As for your question about being more useful, its going to be hard to do so
withought more fighters and t3 fighters. If you really want to become a more
effective fighting force, then during the rest of your yorktown grind put all your
bombers on the support slots and bomb whatever you can get your planes to. Dont
worry so much about the CVs, just try and remove SD or health from the BBs. This
will help your own team take them out. Alternatively, switch now to t2 fighters and
micro yours aroudn the enemy fghters so you can use them to scout and kill any
scouts launched from their line. Either works and either is acceptable for a cv3.

Your fighters should get better in the 80s-90s, depending on what base and bve
status you have on them. They wont be the kings of the skies, but if you micro them
well from about 90 onward they should be capable of killing just about anything, t4s