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  • Balance system (GB2)

    06. 03. 2011 18:02

My friends and I have been realized that, battles end up with epic fail and win happen a
lot, usually takes maybe about 5 - 6 mins. Killing all the enemies in 5 - 6 mins is nearly
impossible, except the players arent balanced. Due to the players are assigned
automatically, players cannot balance on their own, so the epic fail and win occur.
Sometimes, I even check my teammates and enemies' % of winning, and realize that
most of my teammates % of winning are below 50%, and the enemies are above 50%,
clearly, most of my teammates sink in 5 mins. I know many of the people concerned all it
matters is - skill, but what if you are skilled, but you are in a team with the players % of
winning are below 50%? Therefore I have a suggestion on the balance system.

GB2 Team Balance should not just rely on the ships (BB, CV classes ets) also THE % OF

  • Re : Balance system (GB2)

    06. 05. 2011 02:10

2: DO NOT EQUIP YOUR RADIO MAN! Equipping your radio man increases your loss
ratio. (I would assume this is because SDE wants it to be hard for you to level a
radio man, so when it's equipped, or loaded, it makes you lose more matches)

loll wth ?????

when i lose a game ist cause my team fail and some time i fail too. loll the radioman
do noting for your win ratios.

and dont tell ppl to disconect this not gonna help too lolll

and yhea i got a question: do you realy think sde have found the code to put pll in a
losing streek ??? common .... lolll

  • Re : Balance system (GB2)

    06. 04. 2011 21:04

"But... to solve your constant loss problem for you and your friends... you only need
to do one of a few things...."


  • Re : Balance system (GB2)

    06. 04. 2011 20:36

"1: Restart your NF client. This re-sets whatever it is that puts you on the losing team
every match (in a loss streek) (This should be attempted first)

2: DO NOT EQUIP YOUR RADIO MAN! Equipping your radio man increases your loss
ratio. (I would assume this is because SDE wants it to be hard for you to level a
radio man, so when it's equipped, or loaded, it makes you lose more matches)

3: Be careful when joining rooms... Try not to join rooms that are almost full. When
you get the error message that tells you the room is closed, It puts you on a losing
streek. I believe it's some glitch similar to the radio man.

4: Restart after being in trade rooms for a long period of time, or trading alot. Being
in trade rooms (possibly clan area rooms aswell), seem to put you on a losing streek
aswell... but not as badly."


  • Re : Balance system (GB2)

    06. 03. 2011 22:20

But... to solve your constant loss problem for you and your friends... you only need
to do one of a few things....

1: Restart your NF client. This re-sets whatever it is that puts you on the losing team
every match (in a loss streek) (This should be attempted first)

2: DO NOT EQUIP YOUR RADIO MAN! Equipping your radio man increases your loss
ratio. (I would assume this is because SDE wants it to be hard for you to level a
radio man, so when it's equipped, or loaded, it makes you lose more matches)

3: Be careful when joining rooms... Try not to join rooms that are almost full. When
you get the error message that tells you the room is closed, It puts you on a losing
streek. I believe it's some glitch similar to the radio man.

4: Restart after being in trade rooms for a long period of time, or trading alot. Being
in trade rooms (possibly clan area rooms aswell), seem to put you on a losing streek
aswell... but not as badly.

What I have said is ONLY what I have noticed in my years of playing. I'm not saying
that #2-4 are causes for you being put on a loss streek!!!! I'm only saying that from
what I have seen, #2-4 are possible/ probable reasons as to why you have been
put on a loss streek.

One thing is for sure though... Restarting your NF Client SEEMS to take you off your
loss streek. Atleast for a short period of time. (or until you mess something up again)

These examples may not be viewed as reasons or fixes for many, but they have
been proven to me through trial and error, and from what I have observed in my

  • Re : Balance system (GB2)

    06. 03. 2011 22:05

Sad to break it to you... But teams failing has nothing to do with player win loss
ratio. It's actually dependent on how each team member preforms, their BO level,
and their actual ship. (AKA, it's the players faults the team fails)

Basically how the splitter works, is it mainly sperates teams by BO level and Ship
class. So the stacker is fine as it is... it's just on players.

Here is an example on why a team would fail:
A Has 3 PCVs with T4, and B has 3 PCVs... But those CVs on B have T3. In this case,
B loses because of noob CVing (Not having the correct planes/pilot level for T4s)
But... That is an uncommon example for a complete fail.

There are also times where the BBs have great scouting and fighter cover, but they
fail. This usually is due to noob moves... like rushing when you shouldnt or not
dropping back to repair... or possibly being too cocky and thinking the enemy cant
see you when they can...
* I've seen this many times... and im usually the only BB left on my team when this
happens because i'm not stupid when I play my BB. (Atleast not when im the last

So no matter how you cut it... It all depends on how the team plays as a unit, and
whether or not they play well or not.

BUT!!!! There is a special instance... All the above ONLY applies to games that DO
NOT HAVE BB6's Or CV6's in them.

When it comes to BB6's and CV6's... I Agree they need some balancing TO THE
POINT of what ships go on what team when there is a cv6 or bb6 preasent. Because
there often too many matches that the team completely fails due to a bb6 or cv6.

If you notice... If there is a bb6 and cv6 in the room, Bravo will ALWAYS have the
CV6, NEVER The BB6 over the CV6. This usually causes Bravo to fail because SDE
Puts way too much on what a cv6 can do against a BB6.
This is probably why you dont see many cv6's in rooms... because players are
always on the losing team when they run their cv6.

Also... if you notice... SDE puts WAY too much on Kiaser players. Now dont get me
wrong, some kiaser players are kick ass, and are the reason why the team wins
(also due to lower level ships on B). But the Kiaser always fails and dies when Bravo
has any BB6... especially the nebby. (Note, not all teams with kiasers in this instance
fail, it's all on the kiaser player... some kiaser players can win in this cercomstance..
espcially when they have a good team)

So the only thing that needs balancing in GB's and GB2s are BB6's and CV6's, and
the what the other team gets when there is only one BB6 or CV6 in the room. Other
than that, the stacker is fine as it is.

  • Re : Balance system (GB2)

    06. 03. 2011 20:42

% of winning has nothing whatsoever to do with player skill, and everything to do
with how many games their team worked together or how many games the flag

  • Re : Balance system (GB2)

    06. 03. 2011 18:32

Sorry but that would just be an even worse way of balancing. Win percentage is not a good
indicator of skill. Sure you can be really good and have a high percentage but if your
team is horrible you most likely will not be able to turn the tide of battle on your own.