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    06. 04. 2011 03:37

Abosuletley disgusting....IJN HA this morning.....
What happened to the ethics of this game?????

  • Re : DISGUSTING!!!!

    06. 04. 2011 10:19

This issue is being looked at in the Fleet Leaders Section and is being discussed there.

Here it will just turn into a flame fest between those who are not involved, so we will
lock it.

If you want more information on how this evolves, please contact your fleet leaders
who have access to the Fleet Leaders section and send your comments through the
command chain in your respective fleets.

- Locked.

  • Re : DISGUSTING!!!!

    06. 04. 2011 10:15

The only problem i had with it was that they borderhumped subs every room :(

just sayin

  • Re : DISGUSTING!!!!

    06. 04. 2011 09:58

Zagato please translate that ^^

  • Re : DISGUSTING!!!!

    06. 04. 2011 09:45

Yo se cuanto vale la mia si te referis a algo de eso. Simplemente puse mi punto de vista
al desconectarse los demas, justo en la ultima casilla, al final de un HA.

no tengo ni idea de si llegaron a un acuerdo o no los lideres. Puse aca mi punto de vista
de la situacion que se dio esa vez por lo que escuche. Ni siquiera estuve en el HA. Osea
estoy tocando de oido aca.

A lo que voy es que siempre es dudosa esa accion de la desconexion simultanea de todos.
Justo al final, justo cuando uno esta hasta las manos.

A eso seria posible responder: "No culpes al jugador, culpa al juego." Que se yo.. Pero
igual es al pedo. A algun acuerdo se va a llegar.


Ill translate it. tough it was meant for zagato.

"I know how much my word is worth if you mean that. Its just my point of view, due their
disconnection, in the last tile, in the final part of the HA.

I have no idea if leaders agreed something or not. I just put here my point of view of the
situation from what i heard. I was not even there in that HA (Rally of argentina was
happening by the time. Poor ogier). Ergo im playing by ear here.

My point is that multiple disconnection thing is always doubtfull; right at the end right
when someone is to the neck in a situation. (Dont know how to really translate that)

It would be possible to reply this by :"Dont blame the player, blame the game".
Anyway, Im shure an agreement will be made.

  • Re : DISGUSTING!!!!

    06. 04. 2011 09:40

it all cames down to "how much your word its worth for yourself"
todo se reduce a "cuanto vale tu palabra para ti mismo"

  • Re : DISGUSTING!!!!

    06. 04. 2011 09:17

Well then if that is the case, you should fix the problem as you can.

All i can do is.. Actually nothing.

  • Re : DISGUSTING!!!!

    06. 04. 2011 09:10

Let me make this perfectly clear and you can hide behind a language barrier all you
want, but that does not excuse the disgusting ethical behavior of your fleet leader
fleet mates.
The 1st HA we met, we defended our harbor successfully. There were 14 minutes
left we had over 24 ships left defending the harbor tile including BB6's.
Prove it ok.... heres the link

The entire fleet crashed at that point. In meeting directly after the HA The leader of
CoH, Tacoma11 and Johnw1981 sat and agreed to the following:
1) The harbor would not be given back by NF
2) CoH would not vigorusly defend the Harbor but would use as a scrimmage.
3) CoH would not invest in Harbor, because EoM had invested in Harbor and that
investment is rightfully EoM.
4) EoM would take the harbor back on June 4
5) CoH would declare and attack June 11 for a real match for the harbor.

This was all clearly discussed and agreed upon.

Life is about Karma my little friend.... You never know at what point you will make a
turn around a corner and smack, you will be hit in the face by a 2" x 4" for something
dishonest you did in the past. So take your stolen harbor and be proud of yourselfs...

Me an EoM, we will go get some sleep wake up tomorrow and still be proud of our

Over and out....

  • Re : DISGUSTING!!!!

    06. 04. 2011 07:43

nope what im saying is when the crash happened you should have restarted the
room, win/or loss, and no you dont earn a harbor on a crash you took advantage of
a situation, big difference, like you just did with the current HA, see a pattern...I do

@ homi
i dont think the kiaser server need to go to jedi forums to know what happened to

  • Re : DISGUSTING!!!!

    06. 04. 2011 07:37

since my last post was deleted by bloody i will rephrase it :)
COH is the remake fleet of UNF NY, just saying...
more info on jedi forums

  • Re : DISGUSTING!!!!

    06. 04. 2011 07:27

So you say its not "earned" because they "crashed"?

I guess crashing will be the next uber maneuver to defend a harbour.
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