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  • Petition to change the status quo of Great Battle game modes

    06. 06. 2011 16:04

Hi,are you sick of waiting for CV's that don't wanna come? Do you actually want to
instead of wait?

So whoever agrees with the idea that Great Battle 2 should,if not be removed from
the face
of the earth,should have its exp nerfed dramatically,then people can actually
play,instead of
waiting 9 minutes for 8 CV's,you can wait 1 or 2 minutes at most for 14 BB's and 2
ships,and not end up losing because your flag disconnected/crashed/retreata

I know there will be quite a few people who will defend GB2 in one way or another,i
ignore those who like to wait 9 (Or even more if your driving a BB like 90% of the
you're on) Minutes to play for 5 because a flag did one of said actions...



  • Re : Petition to change the status quo of Great Battle game modes

    06. 08. 2011 21:05


A major issue, though, is how willing the community is to bring about change. Even the
more inventive ones among us have gotten lazier in regard to hosting rooms. Really, all
that needs to be done is to have a group with about 20 people on at all times who can host
underplayed game mods and play them together, and then spread the word about how much exp
they're making. That shouldn't be harder than it sounds.
As soon as people are starting things up other than regular-style Wait Battle 2, give me a
call and I'll start playing more actively again.

  • Re : Petition to change the status quo of Great Battle game modes

    06. 08. 2011 20:43

Meh,still want to actually be able to play... >_>

  • Re : Petition to change the status quo of Great Battle game modes

    06. 07. 2011 22:56


I'd prefer a 16 player GB1 anyday. 14BBs and 2 other CA/CL/DD/FF are just perfect !
I miss those times when everybody made these and I could play up to 10 games an
hour, even waiting for premium.

But sadly, nobody ever joins these anymore. Tried joining if and when one pops up
with near sufficient players already in there, but almost always two things happen :

1) The noob hosts want to wait for 4 or 6 CVs. As none are forthcoming, people get
bored and leave, and the room fails.

2) If we're lucky to get one or two going, the next one is almost always a failure as
people look at the numbers at the EXP screen and realize its not nearly as lucrative
as GB2 wins with flagship sunk.

Not realizing that these quick GB1s, although less rewarding, allows him to get in
more games per hour, spend more time playing, and overall level at just about the
same rate.

  • Re : Petition to change the status quo of Great Battle game modes

    06. 07. 2011 21:02

Yeah, their idea of a 'Great Battle' includes all ship tiers. The GMs, guessing it was
just Yuno, cleary said there won't be a shared EXP BB only room with the rates the same as

16 Person GBI rooms are the next best thing but the community just doesn't have a clue.
They would rather just leech and dump their luck in Cheewooda with his BW 120 CV5 rather
than actually try not fictory, go AFK and just wait for the sinking flagship sound.

  • Re : Petition to change the status quo of Great Battle game modes

    06. 07. 2011 20:22

Well Sirius, I used 'short hours' as a metaphor for the fact that it is much easier work
in GB2 games compared to BB rooms.

Taking similar sized rooms, GB2s tend to finish faster, and at the same time, requires
less ability for one to be successful.

  • Re : Petition to change the status quo of Great Battle game modes

    06. 07. 2011 15:47

"SDE has been very, very clear that they do not want to have shared EXP BB only

Apart from them genociding GB1's,did they make any statement regarding they not
wanting shared exp BB rooms?

"if in real life a person gets double the going salary in a hassle-free
work environment with long hours, 9/10 people would not ever consider another
job elsewhere."


  • Re : Petition to change the status quo of Great Battle game modes

    06. 06. 2011 20:58

I only ever see really massive EXP on a win with flagships sunk. Other wise it is really
nothing special.

  • Re : Petition to change the status quo of Great Battle game modes

    06. 06. 2011 20:31

I would love a return to the 14BB / 2CA GBs of that got banned in the past.

Those were the most fun runs I've ever played in. Quick starts, quick-finishing games
and good EXP. I could actually spend more time playing than waiting.

Though the EXP may not be as good as today's GB2, I don't mind, for quicker
games means I can get in more battles per hour, and I believe in the end it works
out to about the same ratio.

But anyhow, I don't see anything changing anytime soon. Unless the autosplit and
same EXP rewards are accorded to normal rooms or select modes, people will still
favour GB2.

We can condemn the current playerbase for being EXP-spoiled noobs all we like,
but the fact is, if in real life a person gets double the going salary in a hassle-free
work environment with short hours, 9/10 people would not ever consider another
job elsewhere.

  • Re : Petition to change the status quo of Great Battle game modes

    06. 06. 2011 17:34

signed >.>

  • Re : Petition to change the status quo of Great Battle game modes

    06. 06. 2011 16:45

SDE has been very, very clear that they do not want to have shared EXP BB only rooms and
as long as people are blindly looking for that massive lump of EXP at the end screen, they
will not care than it take 8-9 minutes to just START THE DAMNED ROOM.

Playing < Waiting

However, the other side of the coin is to actually make people want to play a CV. When
grinding mine, I flat out refuse during an event and if I want to during regular times, I
level the crew on my EBB3.