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Test Server Discussion


  • Yes!!! We really F the monty

    06. 07. 2011 23:05

Tell me what is wrong in this video, and one shall say " Here's kleenex for USN
player. We won't have enough tissues for all the QQers"

  • Re : Yes!!! We really F the monty

    06. 10. 2011 10:53

Currently monty still outranges alsace slightly (when both firing west or both firing
east, which gives us the clean range). We didnt touch alsace or monty range at all up till
now, so it still is as it once was (only alsace spread increased, we need to decide in teh
next 2 weeks if we keep that).

If this really becomes an issue we will address it in the BB5 project

  • Re : Yes!!! We really F the monty

    06. 09. 2011 07:37

I never said Alsace should outrange the Montana Angus...

  • Re : Yes!!! We really F the monty

    06. 09. 2011 07:36

I witnessed an Alsace last night in GB oneshot two Monty's while doing 42 knots.....=.=

  • Re : Yes!!! We really F the monty

    06. 08. 2011 19:29

french bbs were going to be average...USN was the balanced nation aka no advantage
as its weakness.

This logic makes me think that the Alsace and Montana need to the same range, or
alsace with a tiny bit less, not more than 2 cm less

  • Re : Yes!!! We really F the monty

    06. 08. 2011 16:34

It doesn't all come down to one shotting Angus...

I know, but either way, the Alsace shouldn't be able to outrange the monty (the current
range IMO is fine).

  • Re : Yes!!! We really F the monty

    06. 08. 2011 10:26

I have a monty and the speed on the alsace balances it with the monty. So it works, they
can 1 shot each other which is actually a good thing since it becomes a balancer for the
monty in my opinion.

Note that this is my opinion, but you guys should be focusing on the 110 guns...As for me
currently i can't get on the test server or really play NF due to my computer bugging out
so i'm having to save some money to get a bare bones kit.

EDIT: Watched the vid again the monty is the lowest range now? Meh just more of a
challenge when your playing to kick the hell out of the rest of them with the most
powerful bb5.

  • Re : Yes!!! We really F the monty

    06. 08. 2011 10:18

It doesn't all come down to one shotting Angus...

  • Re : Yes!!! We really F the monty

    06. 08. 2011 09:47

Here's the deal, I propose, if I can oneshot a monty with the alsace without getting
oneshot back. Will this be another matter?


  • Re : Yes!!! We really F the monty

    06. 08. 2011 09:11

I also cross the guidelines on the alsace, which also reduce the alsace range by sticking
with what has been said.

You've not seen when I land a full salvo on monty while getting hit by 1 shell.

Here's the deal, I propose, if I can oneshot a monty with the alsace without getting
oneshot back. Will this be another matter?

  • Re : Yes!!! We really F the monty

    06. 08. 2011 07:42

also something I mentioned on the youtube page, Is the monty not X'ing his guidelines a
bit too much, thus reducing range by a number of pixels.

I'd figure he shoot a tiny bit further if guidelines were straight. Suggestion is the
Alsace is firing straight and weaker spread = tiny bit more range.

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