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  • Few questions regarding Andrea Doria/Bismarck

    06. 10. 2011 11:02

So recently I hit level 80 and now am able to purchase my first BB3, the Bismarck.

However, I've done some research and have a couple of questions.

First, the ship I have now is the PBB Andrea Doria. A great ship in my opinion, but it is
just outranged by every BB4+. Quite frustrating as the majority of BBs in GB2 are in fact

Which brings me to my first question, does the Bismarck have more range than the Andrea Doria?

Now I've noticed the 2nd set of 14.96" L guns come at 82, but the N version of these are
at 80. The first set of 14.96" L guns are 73 ish. Which leads me to me 2nd question.

Does the first set of 14.96" L or the second set of 14.96" N guns have more range. Or
should I just grind to 82 for the second set L's?

I don't plan on using those weak 11" guns, even though I have read some places they
outrange many BB3's.

........Or should I just avoid all of this and stick in the Andrea Doria for 9 more levels
to the H39?


  • Re : Few questions regarding Andrea Doria/Bismarck

    06. 11. 2011 10:54

Thanks everyone! This was all really helpful.

  • Re : Few questions regarding Andrea Doria/Bismarck

    06. 11. 2011 10:50

The Bismark will also be outranged by all the BB4+ ships in Great Battle. I know that
personally, the O Pro 2 is a lot more useable in GB than the Bismark because of is speed
and rushing ability. However, either ship gives you the important experience that you
need to be able to play the H39. You will learn to use every millimeter of range that you
have. Because when you get the H39 it is all about that little bit of range. If played
well, when you get to the H39 it is one of the funnest KM ships to play because its range
allows you to take on monty's and some other bb5's. As for the guns use the 2nd set of
14.96's The have better spread and if im right reload? They were made for on the
Bismark. It will take a couple of games to get used to but once you are you will love
the bissy.

  • Re : Few questions regarding Andrea Doria/Bismarck

    06. 11. 2011 10:04

The AA on the AD is far superior to bismark. one reason alone to stick AD.

  • Re : Few questions regarding Andrea Doria/Bismarck

    06. 11. 2011 09:58

if you can't survive in AD, u die faster in Bismarck.

bismarck will have 1.4 range longer but its range scale is a bit awful, compare to AD.

Also, AD has +1 support slot compare to bismarck

  • Re : Few questions regarding Andrea Doria/Bismarck

    06. 10. 2011 23:06

while it is true no bb3 outranges a bb4 the bismarck comes prutty close, my 2nd fav bb
[after the Opro 2]

  • Re : Few questions regarding Andrea Doria/Bismarck

    06. 10. 2011 20:50


  • Re : Few questions regarding Andrea Doria/Bismarck

    06. 10. 2011 20:28

Thank you, I shall do that.

  • Re : Few questions regarding Andrea Doria/Bismarck

    06. 10. 2011 19:00

Play the Bmark. The 2nd set of 380mm L ranges AD's 320mm by a tad (no BB3 will give
you BB4-6 range nor hitting power, so rest.)

The AD is not a KM ship, she plays like... AD. You'll learn more about H39 in Bmark than
in AD. Besides, hey YOU DON'T WANT TO PLAY THE MOST FAMOUS (and over-rated)

To cap:

1. Grind for 380mm 2nd set L
2. Use the Bmark, she's a great ship
3. NO NO NO NO 280mm trips, just as you said