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U.S Navy


  • its a simple question for BB.

    06. 11. 2011 18:17

im kind of new in this and i have a Sevastopol, how do i get a tighter spread of the
shells? my BO is lvl 61 and my heavy gunners are also lvl 61, what i have to do to get a
tighter spread?

thank to everyone who gives me an answer.


ps: sorry my crapy english

  • Re : its a simple question for BB.

    06. 12. 2011 11:44

"USE MANUAL GUNS .. not AUTO ..... auto gun control has a 20% penalty .. IIRC ..."

Auto Accuracy was buffed back at the end of 09, the 20% penalty is to exp for using Auto.
I would not say that Auto is equal to manual accuracy now but it is significantly closer.

  • Re : its a simple question for BB.

    06. 12. 2011 09:27


since you mentioned being new ... i'll state one that hasn't been posted yet ...

USE MANUAL GUNS .. not AUTO ..... auto gun control has a 20% penalty .. IIRC ...

also ... auto will NOT allow you to CROSS your gun lines for block-shot tightness ...

  • Re : its a simple question for BB.

    06. 12. 2011 09:24

thank you! that was really helpfull! i boughts some vets and experts and i made them
premium! but i need to keep leveling them though!

  • Re : its a simple question for BB.

    06. 11. 2011 21:37

agree with what he mention above

more leveling to your gunners, gaining experts from aa and atm from drops and vets from
drops also
boosting it will greatly improve

  • Re : its a simple question for BB.

    06. 11. 2011 18:34

Keep leveling up.
Add vets and experts.
Make your gunners premium sailors.

Hope that was simple enough.