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  • Target Practice Mission

    10. 20. 2005 09:28

It would be cool if their was some kind of Non Movement-Target Practice.

This is what I mean. Your in your ship, join this mission then when your their, your boat is either face the east or west. No Torps. You have stationary and moving targets. The moving ones could give you more Exp, Creds, Pts, Experts...whatever. It could be like they have for the Manual Training. Also, one where your just go in a straight line at a certain speed, no stopping or reverse, their are stationary targets on both sides of you as you move in a straight line and you must fire at the most targets possible.

Let me know what you guys think? Just wondering.... Thought it could be a fun mission...

  • Re : Target Practice Mission

    10. 20. 2005 10:46

Not a good idea since all targets in NF move anyways. TeamNF needs to focus on usefull missions with the very few resources they got.

babs out!