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Tip and Tactics


  • Pilots

    10. 20. 2005 11:04

Another tip I would like to give you about making/using pilots.

First, each pilot can fly a squadren. The size of the squadren depends on the level of your carrier. Most first level flattops can let you launch 5-6 at a time PER pilot.

However, you need to have a minimum of 20 experts when you start to use your pilots otherwise, you wont be able to fly the maximum amount of planes per squadren.

It is really not necessary to put more than 10 veterans on BOMBERS. The reason for this is they are the first ones to be killed when your planes get shot down. To save your experts/veterans though, if you start a battle with 9 bombers, and your down to the last one. DON'T LAUNCH IT. Losing all of the bombers you start with during a battle does two things. First, it creates a bug on the amount of bombs you have, and second, you will lose more experts on all your bomber pilots.

Fighters: Veterans on fighters are more essential, but not as much as with gunners. The same rules apply to them as the bombers as for the amount you can take off and use per pilot.

The more experts/veterans you have on your pilots, the faster your planes will take off and longer they will last in combat.

When selecting a pilot, I would not waste time with using ANY sailor with less than 13 ability, and 11 in aircraft and 11 in Bomber or Fighter.

The reason for this is ability will determine how many RECRUITS he can have as you level him up, therefore giving him the opportunity to get to max ability faster/sooner than one with a lower ability.

I will be posting more tips on pilots as things go on and I learn more.

I have some secret tactics to use when going up against a stronger player/CV.


  • Re : Pilots

    10. 22. 2005 15:30

To: enwhyoo

Does that means if you send out a TB squadarn of 5 planes

unfortunately 4 of them are shot down and only 1 made home safely

the outcome is you lose ZERO experts on that TB pilot?

What about planes that ran out of fuel & dropped into the sea? Will this lose experts if that is the last plane in the sqardarn???


  • Re : Pilots

    10. 22. 2005 15:05

I forgot to add this part. When your TBs take off, go ahead and hold down the "," key to lower them to the deck right away. This saves alot of time when you find a target. The ONLY exception to this is IF you wish to get behind the enemy then torp them from behind. That is a very valid tactic.


  • Re : Pilots

    10. 22. 2005 10:54

Very informational, thank you, this information is all very true. I was a Jap CV in Seattle with a Hosho, and if i had this information back then, I'm sure it would've helped. To all the new CV players, especially in Vancouver, please read this thread and know it.


  • Re : Pilots

    10. 22. 2005 09:32

To effectively DB smaller ships, run your attack on the NOSE of their ship. What I mean is never attack it from the rear. Always attack it from the nose. For TBs on smallerships, it is easier to do with lead time and using your squadren in a spread out formation. When there is an aboundance of DDs, use at least 6 TBs to guarantee yourself some hits.


  • Re : Pilots

    10. 22. 2005 08:00

oh..nice post..any tips on bombing small ships accurately?i always try to bomb those threatening dd's.but my chances are very do i know if my planes losing fuel?

  • Re : Pilots

    10. 22. 2005 07:54

Actually, with CV you lose experts when the last plane you send out (that is given that you send 3 or more planes) is shot down. This is usually the slowest plane in the squad. When he dies he'll go "Mayday! Mayday!" And that usually means after the battle you'dve lost 1 expert on that pilot.

  • Re : Pilots

    10. 22. 2005 07:45


I think some of you have missed out on this good post.


  • Re : Pilots

    10. 21. 2005 06:50

Nice tips mate

too bad my level is too low to try it out >.<

  • Re : Pilots

    10. 21. 2005 06:42

This is good reading guys. Please post what you think


  • Re : Pilots

    10. 20. 2005 15:46

More information on pilots. When going in to dive bomb or to torp bomb someone, it is recommended that you go past the target first then double back to attack him. Do not target him as soon as you see him, because this gives him a chance to manouver and dodge.

Certain ships should be avoided when bombing, while others have obvious weaknesses. View on for the base AAW on each ship. Those with a low base AAW will offer less of a risk to get shot down. For TBs, you can fly nearly all the way up to a fubuki and torp him easily. Oh the irony of it is so fun.

If someone has fighters up it is best to offer up one or 2 of your own fighters to pull his defensive fighters away while your bombers go in for the kill.

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